Hi, I am also having an ONLINE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM and having a problem with coding.. I am a returnee student and more programming languages has been adapt... Using php, apache, mysql, html, javascript, css etc... I am confused especially in php query.. can anyone help me here, i don't have much time.. please someone help me..ASAP..With high anticipation, God bless.

HI, I am returnee student and having difficult in my project now entitled ONLINE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM, and I haven't come up with the front-end design and back-end design... can you help me form a design with this menus or links: HOME; ABOUT US; ADMISSION; ASSESSMENT; INSTITUTES; ADMINISTRATRATIVE; CONTACT US; SMS;... Under ABOUT US are VISION,MISSION AND MOTTO; HISTORY; CAMPUSES; under ADMISSION are REQUIREMENTS; ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES; PRE-REGISTRATION; under ASSESSMENT are GUIDE; REQUIREMENTS PAYMENTS..under INSTiTUTES are DEPT 1, DEPT 2, DEPT 3, DEPT 4, and under ADMINISTRATIVE are DEANS; OFFICERS; GUIDANCE... please.. I don't have much time... ASAP..I know this is absurd but I do really need help...

Hi, I am also having an ONLINE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM and having a problem with coding.. I am a returnee student and more programming languages has been adapt... Using php, apache, mysql, html, javascript, css etc... I am confused especially in php query.. can anyone help me here, i don't have much time.. please someone help me..ASAP..With high anticipation, God bless.

Do you mean you want to hire someone?
If no then show effort and we will help.
Work and we'll help
God bless you as you do that :)

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