hi there
i have a problem with scrolling swf banner. for ex: i have 3 banners (banner1.swf, banner2.swf, banner3.swf) and i would like after one finishes let it swicthes to another one sourse.
Thanks in advance for attention

Are you using one swf to load the movideclips or are you using javascript to load the individual swf files?

Is this flash banner all done in flash or javascript changing the flash swf files?

Thank you for attention. these are flash swf files changing with the help of javascript

Does your javascript have any kind of listener so it knows that one flash swf file has finished playing before switching to the next?

no i have not. could you help me?

Can you paste your javascript code - without it, any generic answer would probably not make sense - and be a bad guess on my part ;)

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