I'm in need of some more help for something quite simple. All I'm trying to get to work is the (onmouseover) portion of the below. I'm sure there is a typo somewhere that I'm not seeing. I've got to quit doing homework when I'm exhausted. Just a little hard after working 12 hour shifts six days a week for the last six months. Thanks.

<a href="manatee.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the manatee.' ;return true">Manatee</a><br />
<a href="panda.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the panda.' ;return true">Panda</a><br />
<a href="polarbear.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the polar bear.' ;return true">Polar Bear</a><br />
<a href="rhino.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the rhino.' ;return true">Rhino</a></p>

If all you want is to display a text while mouse is over, you don't need onmouseover event. What you may want to do is title.

<a href="manatee.html" title="Click here to visit the manatee.">Manatee</a><br />
<a href="panda.html" title="Click here to visit the panda.">Panda</a><br />
<a href="polarbear.html" title="Click here to visit the polar bear.">Polar Bear</a><br />
<a href="rhino.html" title="Click here to visit the rhino.">Rhino</a></p>

That's great and I'll take note of it but I'm trying to stick to what my book is telling me. Do you see why the "onmouseover" isn't working?

I just tested your code in the following browsers:

  • IE6 : With return true, shows message onmouseover. With return false, default behaviour then shows message onmouseout. With no return value, behaves as return false.
  • Opera : With return false, shows message onmouseover. With return true, default behaviour then shows message onmouseout. With no return value, behaves as return true.
  • FF : Default behaviour regardless of returned value.

I have read the some browsers have an option to allow/disallow default window.status messages to be overridden, and that the default setting is to disallow. However, none of the browsers tested appears to heve this option (or I missed it).

Conclusion - You can't win!


I'm in need of some more help for something quite simple. All I'm trying to get to work is the (onmouseover) portion of the below. I'm sure there is a typo somewhere that I'm not seeing. I've got to quit doing homework when I'm exhausted. Just a little hard after working 12 hour shifts six days a week for the last six months. Thanks.

<a href="manatee.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the manatee.' ;return true">Manatee</a><br />
<a href="panda.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the panda.' ;return true">Panda</a><br />
<a href="polarbear.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the polar bear.' ;return true">Polar Bear</a><br />
<a href="rhino.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the rhino.' ;return true">Rhino</a></p>

You don't need a "return true" statement in any of these. You are using the "mouseover event", which doesn't cause the hyperlink to navigate anyway.
There should be no 'returns' at all. <a href="polarbear.html" onmouseover="self.status='Click here to visit the polar bear.' ">Polar Bear</a><br /> will work just fine.

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