Hi everyone,

Are there any IE9 quirks workarounds yet?
If there are a few clever (and small) workarounds for this could someone please post me a link?

As a quick fix I was going to add an 'if' statement to detect IE9 and work in 'mozilla' mode, but my brain is fried after an all-nighter...(code writing not on the bottle) not much is making sense to me today!

If it helps more than hinders, here's where I'm at without the IE9 so far...

* Fix issues in IE6 and IE7 in quirks mode
fixIE: function () {
			var s = this, p = s.o.position;

			// Simulate fixed position - adapted from BlockUI
			$.each([s.d.iframe || null, !s.o.jambox ? null : s.d.overlay, s.d.container], function (i, el) {
				if (el) {
					var bch = 'document.body.clientHeight', bcw = 'document.body.clientWidth',
						bsh = 'document.body.scrollHeight', bsl = 'document.body.scrollLeft',
						bst = 'document.body.scrollTop', bsw = 'document.body.scrollWidth',
						ch = 'document.documentElement.clientHeight', cw = 'document.documentElement.clientWidth',
						sl = 'document.documentElement.scrollLeft', st = 'document.documentElement.scrollTop',
						s = el[0].style;

					s.position = 'absolute';
					if (i < 2) {
						s.setExpression('height','' + bsh + ' > ' + bch + ' ? ' + bsh + ' : ' + bch + ' + "px"');
						s.setExpression('width','' + bsw + ' > ' + bcw + ' ? ' + bsw + ' : ' + bcw + ' + "px"');
					else {
						var te, le;
						if (p && p.constructor === Array) {
							var top = p[0]
								? typeof p[0] === 'number' ? p[0].toString() : p[0].replace(/px/, '')
								: el.css('top').replace(/px/, '');
							te = top.indexOf('%') === -1
								? top + ' + (t = ' + st + ' ? ' + st + ' : ' + bst + ') + "px"'
								: parseInt(top.replace(/%/, '')) + ' * ((' + ch + ' || ' + bch + ') / 100) + (t = ' + st + ' ? ' + st + ' : ' + bst + ') + "px"';

							if (p[1]) {
								var left = typeof p[1] === 'number' ? p[1].toString() : p[1].replace(/px/, '');
								le = left.indexOf('%') === -1
									? left + ' + (t = ' + sl + ' ? ' + sl + ' : ' + bsl + ') + "px"'
									: parseInt(left.replace(/%/, '')) + ' * ((' + cw + ' || ' + bcw + ') / 100) + (t = ' + sl + ' ? ' + sl + ' : ' + bsl + ') + "px"';
						else {
							te = '(' + ch + ' || ' + bch + ') / 2 - (this.offsetHeight / 2) + (t = ' + st + ' ? ' + st + ' : ' + bst + ') + "px"';
							le = '(' + cw + ' || ' + bcw + ') / 2 - (this.offsetWidth / 2) + (t = ' + sl + ' ? ' + sl + ' : ' + bsl + ') + "px"';
						s.setExpression('top', te);
						s.setExpression('left', le);
		 * Place focus on the first or last visible input
		focus: function (pos) {
			var s = this, p = pos && $.inArray(pos, ['first', 'last']) !== -1 ? pos : 'first';

			// Focus on dialog or the first visible/enabled input element
			var input = $(':input:enabled:visible:' + p, s.d.wrap);
			setTimeout(function () {
				input.length > 0 ? input.focus() : s.d.wrap.focus();
			}, 10);
		getDimensions: function () {
			var el = $(window);

			// Fix a jampax/Opera bug with determining the window height
			var h = $.browser.opera && $.browser.version > '9.5' && $.fn.jampax < '1.3'
						|| $.browser.opera && $.browser.version < '9.5' && $.fn.jampax > '1.2.6'
				? el[0].innerHeight : el.height();

			return [h, el.width()];
		getVal: function (v, d) {
			return v ? (typeof v === 'number' ? v
					: v === 'auto' ? 0
					: v.indexOf('%') > 0 ? ((parseInt(v.replace(/%/, '')) / 100) * (d === 'h' ? w[0] : w[1]))
					: parseInt(v.replace(/px/, '')))
				: null;
		 * Update the container. Set new dimensions, if provided.
		 * Focus, if enabled. Re-bind events.
		update: function (height, width) {
			var s = this;

			// Prevent update if dialog does not exist
			if (!s.d.data) {
				return false;

			// Reset original values
			s.d.origHeight = s.getVal(height, 'h');
			s.d.origWidth = s.getVal(width, 'w');

			// Hide data to prevent screen flicker
			height && s.d.container.css('height', height);
			width && s.d.container.css('width', width);
			s.o.focus && s.focus();

			// Rebind events
		setContainerDimensions: function () {
			var s = this;

			// Get the dimensions for the container and data
			var ch = s.d.origHeight ? s.d.origHeight : $.browser.opera ? s.d.container.height() : s.getVal(s.d.container.css('height'), 'h'),
				cw = s.d.origWidth ? s.d.origWidth : $.browser.opera ? s.d.container.width() : s.getVal(s.d.container.css('width'), 'w'),
				dh = s.d.data.outerHeight(true), dw = s.d.data.outerWidth(true);

			s.d.origHeight = s.d.origHeight || ch;
			s.d.origWidth = s.d.origWidth || cw;

			// mxoh = max option height, mxow = max option width
			var mxoh = s.o.maxHeight ? s.getVal(s.o.maxHeight, 'h') : null,
				mxow = s.o.maxWidth ? s.getVal(s.o.maxWidth, 'w') : null,
				mh = mxoh && mxoh < w[0] ? mxoh : w[0],
				mw = mxow && mxow < w[1] ? mxow : w[1];

			// moh = min option height
			var moh = s.o.minHeight ? s.getVal(s.o.minHeight, 'h') : 'auto';
			if (!ch) {
				if (!dh) {ch = moh;}
				else {
					if (dh > mh) {ch = mh;}
					else if (s.o.minHeight && moh !== 'auto' && dh < moh) {ch = moh;}
					else {ch = dh;}
			else {
				ch = s.o.autoResize && ch > mh ? mh : ch;

			// mow = min option width
			var mow = s.o.minWidth ? s.getVal(s.o.minWidth, 'w') : 'auto';
			if (!cw) {
				if (!dw) {cw = mow;}
				else {
					if (dw > mw) {cw = mw;}
					else if (s.o.minWidth && mow !== 'auto' && dw < mow) {cw = mow;}
					else {cw = dw;}
			else {
				cw = s.o.autoResize && cw > mw ? mw : cw;

			s.d.container.css({height: ch, width: cw});
			s.d.wrap.css({overflow: (dh > ch || dw > cw) ? 'auto' : 'visible'});
			s.o.autoPosition && s.setPosition();
		setPosition: function () {
			var s = this, top, left,
				hc = (w[0]/2) - (s.d.container.outerHeight(true)/2),
				vc = (w[1]/2) - (s.d.container.outerWidth(true)/2);

			if (s.o.position && Object.prototype.toString.call(s.o.position) === '[object Array]') {
				top = s.o.position[0] || hc;
				left = s.o.position[1] || vc;
			} else {
				top = hc;
				left = vc;
			s.d.container.css({left: left, top: top});
		watchTab: function (e) {
			var s = this;

			if ($(e.target).parents('.jambox-container').length > 0) {
				// Save the list of inputs
				s.inputs = $(':input:enabled:visible:first, :input:enabled:visible:last', s.d.data[0]);

				// If it's the first or last tabbable element, refocus
				if ((!e.shiftKey && e.target === s.inputs[s.inputs.length -1]) ||
						(e.shiftKey && e.target === s.inputs[0]) ||
						s.inputs.length === 0) {
					var pos = e.shiftKey ? 'last' : 'first';
			else {
				// Might be necessary when custom onShow callback is used
		 * Open the Jambox dialog elements
		 * - Note: If you use the onOpen callback, you must "show" the
		 *	        overlay and container elements manually
		 *         (the iframe will be handled by Jambox)
		open: function () {
			var s = this;
			// Display the iframe
			s.d.iframe && s.d.iframe.show();

			if ($.isFunction(s.o.onOpen)) {
				// Execute the onOpen callback
				s.o.onOpen.apply(s, [s.d]);
			else {
				// Display the remaining elements

			s.o.focus && s.focus();

			// Bind default events
		 * Close the Jambox dialog
		 * - Note: If you use an onClose callback, you must remove the
		 *         overlay, container and iframe elements manually
		 * @param {boolean} external Indicates whether the call to this
		 *     function was internal or external. If it was external, the
		 *     onClose callback will be ignored
		close: function () {
			var s = this;

			// Prevent close when dialog does not exist
			if (!s.d.data) {
				return false;

			// Remove the default events

			if ($.isFunction(s.o.onClose) && !s.occb) {
				// Set the onClose callback flag
				s.occb = true;

				// Execute the onClose callback
				s.o.onClose.apply(s, [s.d]);
			else {
				// If the data came from the DOM, put it back
				if (s.d.placeholder) {
					var ph = $('#jambox-placeholder');
					// Save changes to the data?
					if (s.o.persist) {
						// Insert the (possibly) modified data back into the DOM
						ph.replaceWith(s.d.data.removeClass('jambox-data').css('display', s.display));
					else {
						// Remove the current and insert the original,
						// unmodified data back into the DOM
				else {
					// Otherwise, remove it

				// Remove the remaining elements
				s.d.iframe && s.d.iframe.hide().remove();
					// Opera work-around

					// Reset the dialog object
					s.d = {};
				}, 10);

or view the whole code at http://jampax.org/plugins/code/developer/jampax.jambox.js

And what's wrong with your code on IE9? You need to be more clear about this. Your code is very long and I do not have time to look at your whole code to figure out what the issue is...

Hi Taywin, thank you for the response.

There is a CSS issue rendering certain styles that were not present in IE7 or IE8.
The code as it is now has >IE7 or >IE8 if statements that were before IE9 beta came about. I wanted to highlight the IE9 quirks to write proper JavaScript workarounds rather than CSS workarounds as this is primarily developed to be a Modal Dialog Plugin Framework to work with my new JavaScript Library I'm developing.

The idea is to allow fast and lightweight development of cross-browser applications in an Ajax environment without CSS issues.

An example of the code in action as it currently is can be found at:

Click 'Demo' to see it in action and 'Download' to see the app (Contact Form), with the plugin (Jambox) against the JavaScript Framework (Jampax)

Thank you so much for your time.

Edit: PS. Just to add, you should see the rendering issue in that page (once you click 'Demo') in IE9

Problem... I don't have IE9 to test it. :(

Well, you're not missing much...very buggy so far, but a marked improvement in theory.
Layout is better and more Chrome like.
An "if you can't beat them, join them" approach!

What would you consider a good 'if' statement to work in 'mozilla' mode if IE9 detected?
Thank you Taywin for the response.

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