Hi, I am working on a chat program.
When a user logs in, a value in the database is set to 1 (online), and when he/she logs out it is set to 0 (offline).
The problem is, when the user exits the browser, naturally the value is still set to 1.
I was wondering if it is possible using AJAX or otherwise to update the database on the event of browser close?
I have tried onbodyunload in the body tags pointing to a file with a JavaScript function containing the PHP code (query to update the field) but cant get it to work.
If anybody has any advice, please help me it is driving me mad and is the biggest problem standing in my way to get the app to work...thanks you very much in advance for any replies :)

Yes using AJAX is possible and I've done this before. Try the Javascript onunload() event and link that to your AJAX.

I've got it to work in the past. If you still have problems please let me know.

Hi, I have tried onunload() and onbeforeunload() and cant get either of them to update the database. If you PLEASE let me know how you did it, it would be great.
The way I tried was (sometihng like):

<body onuload="update();">

and a JS function (in the header) something like:


Using this approach makes it set to 0 (offline) as soon as the page loads up.
I have also tried it in an external JS file with the query in it and it stays as online all the time (does not change atall).
Thanks again for the replies I appreciate it loads :)

Well the body tag should be as you have put it <body onunload="update();"> Put this in the javascript section to check if the onunload works

    alert("Unload event");

If on closing the browser window you get a dialog box, then you know that the function works.

From here you then need to call the AJAX function using the update() AJAX is not called just by putting the PHP code within the function. It uses a XMLHttpRequest() to submit the query to an external PHP file which processes the request and then returns the required result. Check out the W3School AJAX tutorial at http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/default.asp.

For your application this external PHP file would the the one that signs your user out i.e., the one you are currently using in the update() function. The reason you are getting the user logged out when the page loads up is that PHP is always processed before the page is loaded and the code in the update function is being processed anyway which logs the user out, setting the value to 0.

If you are getting the Unload event dialog box that I mentioned earlier and are not able to understand AJAX please let me know.

Hi, thanks for your help, I have tried and I am getting the Unload event text but I am struggling with the AJAX side, if you could help me further that would be grteat, thanks.

To make an ajax call to a php page take a look at this tutorial: Simple PHP/Ajax tutorial. Basically you need to create an XMLHTTP object then open a connection with the server page and then do something with the response.

function MakeRequest()
  var xmlHttp = getXMLHttp();
  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4)

  xmlHttp.open("GET", "YOUR PAGE HERE.php", true); 
function getXMLHttp()
  var xmlHttp

    //Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
    xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    //Internet Explorer
      xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!")
        return false;
  return xmlHttp;
function HandleResponse(response)
  document.getElementById('ResponseDiv').innerHTML = response;

You would change the part of the open function that I have listed as Your Page Here to the url of the server side code (php) that you want to execute and update the db.

To make an ajax call to a php page take a look at this tutorial: Simple PHP/Ajax tutorial. Basically you need to create an XMLHTTP object then open a connection with the server page and then do something with the response.

function MakeRequest()
  var xmlHttp = getXMLHttp();
  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4)

  xmlHttp.open("GET", "YOUR PAGE HERE.php", true); 
function getXMLHttp()
  var xmlHttp

    //Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
    xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    //Internet Explorer
      xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!")
        return false;
  return xmlHttp;
function HandleResponse(response)
  document.getElementById('ResponseDiv').innerHTML = response;

You would change the part of the open function that I have listed as Your Page Here to the url of the server side code (php) that you want to execute and update the db.

Brilliant thank you so much!!

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