I've been running my application in "Visual Web Developer 2005" on my machine locally. I set up a server and installed IIS on it to access it. Copied all of the files and set permissions. When I type in the application I receive the generic error message,

Server Error in '/' Application
Runtime Error

Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?

Got a screen shot?

Provide the sequence of events you go through that generates this error message and screen shot or capture the entire error message and we may be able to help

Provide the sequence of events you go through that generates this error message and screen shot or capture the entire error message and we may be able to help

I was able to resolve the above problem, but have a different one to solve. I am able to get my Login screen aspx file to show on IE.

My first problem is that when I enter the user name and password I am shown "your login was not sucessful". ( I run the application locally on my machine my login works. So I know I'm entering the correct password.

Secondly, when I enter the url ( I am shown the error message in the attachment. Can anyone please help?

Got a screen shot?

I was able to resolve the above problem, but have a different one to solve. I am able to get my Login screen aspx file to show on IE.

My first problem is that when I enter the user name and password I am shown "your login was not sucessful". ( I run the application locally on my machine my login works. So I know I'm entering the correct password.

Secondly, when I enter the url ( I am shown the error message in the attachment. Can anyone please help?

Looks like you are either missing a file or changed the name of your class



Since I'm simply copying all the files from one machine to another would there be a hidden file (such as \bin) that I might be missing? Other than a hidden file and/or folder all other files are there.

The bin folder needs to be copied as well.

I was able to resolve the above problem, but have a different one to solve. I am able to get my Login screen aspx file to show on IE.

My first problem is that when I enter the user name and password I am shown "your login was not sucessful". ( I run the application locally on my machine my login works. So I know I'm entering the correct password.

Secondly, when I enter the url ( I am shown the error message in the attachment. Can anyone please help?


I see here you are saying you have managed to solve the above error which I think is

Server Error in '/' Application
Parser Error
(which is the same error I get when I run my appalication)

Please would you explain to me exactly what you have done to fix that.You may send me respond on my email address anthony.tshwane@gmail.com



What exactly is causing your error? Can you provide the text or a screenshot? Maybe just include the error details and the line that is creating the error. Otherwise there can be hundreds, if not thousands of errors causing your "server error in '/' application."

Please show details.

the server error /application errors are caused mainly due to errors in web.config file.see if u have used correct syntax in web.config.this can be done by copying the contents of web.config int to a xml file and running it.
if u r application works correctly in local system and gives errors in the site,then it may be due to permissions assigned.talk to u r service provider to give the correct permisssions.
the other cause may be due to incorrect version.see whether u have given correct version in the site.

Verified the IP address of the server your database is running on is the same IP address sets in the web.config file. you might be overlooking the ip differences between your local machine and the machine your website/database server is running on. You could overcome this problem in the future by using (local) instead of an explicit IP address. Another thing you should do is verify that you are referencing the right database schema.

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