Hi Guys!
I'm currently trying to refresh a DIV on my page that is linked to MYSQL (changes if database has 1 or more rows) without refreshing the entire page, I've tried using javascript although it didn't seem to work and so Im back to the drawing board, Im not very experienced with Jquery or Javascript to do it on my own, I only know PHP, CSS, HTML the easier ones :P

So I was hoping someone could shed some light on how I could possibly go about this... - I don't want to use Iframes either as the the div is a button which opens a hidden div on the page (parent page) so I don't think iframes would be best either

Any help would be great!
Thank you in advance :)

Hi, I would do it using JQuery.

I just didn't understood if the refresh will be trigerred by some user event or if it should refresh automatically.

function requestDivContent()
	var url = "http://myPage.com"; // URL to get the data
	var data = // Paramters, PHP Ex.: $name = $_POST["name"];
		name : "name", 
		id : 20 
	$.post(url, data, showDivContent); // Send the request
	// if you don't need to pass any data
	// $.post(url, showDivContent);

function showDivContent(divContent)
	$("#divContent").html(divContent); //Replace any existing content

// -------------------------------------------
// IF it should do automatically

var oTimer;

function initMySQLLink()
	var time = 5000; // 5 seconds
	oTimer = setInterval(requestDivContent, time); // Start the timer and save the it's reference

function stopMySQLLink()
	clearInterval(oTimer); // Cancel the timer


It should work (I didn't test it), but there is no error handling. To handle errors you should use $.ajax()

Here is a condensed version:

var oTimer;

function refreshDivContent()
	oTimer = setInterval
				{name : "name", id : 20}, 

Hope it helps.

You can do it using AJAX

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