Hi All,

I am having a problem changing HREF and Text of a link from javascript. My code is as colos

<a href="javascript:Action(9,'remove');" id="thelink">Remove</a>

And the javascript code is:


function Action(locid,reqact){
var fltitle;
var flllink;
var flmsg;

			   newlink="Action(" + locid + ",'add')";
		 else if(reqact=="cancel"){//cancel sent
		   newlink="Action(" + locid + ",'add')";
 else if(reqact=="add"){//add sent
		   newlink="Action(" + locid + ",'cancel')";
var al=document.getElementById("thelink");

}//end function

At first page load, it works fine. But then the link text nor its href don't change.

What could be the error please?

If you look at the code properly you will notice that at the following block of code,

else if(reqact=="add"){//add sent
		   newlink="Action(" + locid + ",'cancel')";

The value of atitle is set to 'Add' instead of 'Cancel'. Hence you fell that it is not working :-)

Hmm... I think it is not that... It should be that...

newlink="Action(" + locid + ",'add')";

Here, you are passing 'locid' as a string to the function, but instead you are passing it as a variable. You need to do it as followed:

newlink="Action('" + locid + "','add')";

You are not supposed to use your variable as a string outside the function. You need to be more specific on that.

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