i have made a contact us form that emails to my email,, but the problem is that i made a text field to avoid spam machines, which says 1+1= ? , and the answer in the input field must be always 2

if(isset($guess) == "2"){
		die("Please Enter all the fields correctly");

but it didnt work i tried also != ,,
can anyone write me his own code ,,please please help !!

Can you please provide the entire code you are using so that it will be helpful to detect where the problem lies...


have a html form for users to enter the answer:

form method=post action=abc.php
input type="text" name="answer"
input type="submit" value="submit"

Then, use php to obtain the value entered in field:


echo "sorry!! Answer wrong!!";

it would be

if($_POST['guess'] != 2) {
die("Answer is rong");
} else {
 what happens if right
Member Avatar for diafol

This is wrong:

if(isset($guess) == "2"){

You're trying to test and check its existence in one go - do this:

if(isset($guess) && $guess == "2"){

mine is rite....try it

Member Avatar for diafol

> mine is rite....try it

Your html is up the spout, try again yourself!

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