Dear All,
I am not so clear about jQuery actually what is it and how it function and different from Ajax? Can some one help me clarify? Now I required a functionality where I can drag and drop with the backend mysql capability to update the db. What will be the best solution in my case? Thank you.

jquere is a library, whick makes it easier to write javascript code. I don't we can compare AJAX and jquery because they are different things. But I can say jquery has nice functions do make AJAX calls.

Have not tried anything with drag and drop, but when you enter in google you can quickly find, I guess this is a good example

Dear Speed,
Thank you for your explanation. So when you say jquery is a library is it a library written by individual or some bodies? Then I notice at some place there is jQuery and jQuery GUI. So is these library are prebuild and just for us to use is it? Any standard to follow?

So when you say jquery is a library is it a library written by individual or some bodies?

I think there is a team who writes that library.

Then I notice at some place there is jQuery and jQuery GUI.

Don' know what is GUI, maybe other can explain. But just search for some jquery turorials for beginners and you will understand what you want I guess.

jQuery UI defines visual widgets for you to use, like a calendar. Theming is built into this, so can be easily modified to suit your needs.

Dear All,
Thank you for the help I will go and learn more and get back here.

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