hey guys,
I am facing problem to get weather information from client ip address.
i know how to get client ip address but i don't know how to get weather information.
please somebody help me for this problem.


try seeing the yql console : yahoo query language
it will really help you get the weather data

lse try a weather api [google search]

hey guys,

first of all i want to say thanks to paullanesra and anilashanbhag.
i had found required xml from your given link,it works but shows weather in text format.
can you tell me how to use weather icons for this xml bcaz i m new for this thing i don't how to use it.

Hi Dave,

Have you downloaded the Weather Condition Codes and Weather Icons provided?

I think you should (1)query weather by IP, (2)lookup weather condition codes, (3) match the icons to the condition codes.

No problem. Glad it works.

You could mark the thread as solved if it is :)

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