
em doing BS.Software engineering, as its my last semester and want to take Final year project. em just confuse of what to take. i want to do something for my university but as i gone through my university systems they are hell complex. can anybudy suggest me.

i want take the project for which i can have help on net regarding coding. as my interests are in ASP.NET with C#.

your suggestions would be appreciated.


How about a simple invoicing application project which creates invoices , prints and reporting with masters.


I gone through your message, its good that you want to do project which will be helpful to university.

Well, for this , i suggest, first you need to meet the operational staff of the university and talk about your willingness aobut the final year project, and try to get inofrmation what they needs form which you can help fully to university through project.

Second , you should have to collect the informaliton form the other university how and what are the software or systems they are using for them work or operations, form their you may get the idea of the system , what you can do for the univeristy.

Third option, there are many possibility about teh IT implementation like

> SMS System
> Staff Management System
> Office Management System
> Staff Communication Channel System
> Query Management System (where student/staff can post the query, and the upper level role need to solve if its viable)
> Attendance Management system

Many more possibilities...you may research via direct communication to the staff as i state first in this message..


@questpond n jay

thank you for your suggestions. i apreciate it.

@ questpond .... invoice system scope is to0o small for FYP. any other suggestion?? want do something new and different.

@ jay... yeah i have discussed with staff. as the systems are to0o complex to0o be implemented by one student. management systems are already been done by various students so they are no more eligble. as its not feasble for me to go in different universities thats i am here.

i have considered purchase and store system of IT equipments of university. but this project is of 5 students:(( i am trying if HOD allows me for one module.

any other system???

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