Please help me can sumebody give me a comment script that uses PHP but it doesnt need to use a MYSQL database.

use .txt files, if someone comments, a php-file will insert an json-code, and update it when someone comments it again, like for post 2034 the php-file first creates the file 2034.txt, and it will add the comment like:

{1 : {'author':'Me','comment':'This is a comment','date','2011-02-22'}}

on the posts' page it will be read out simply with php or javascript and if a user adds one more comment, first php will read and save the json before, add the new comment and updates the file with the new json.

could you possibly make this script for me as i am a noob when it comes to php

thanks for the reply, could you possibly make this script for me as i am a noob when it comes to php

you could also use a free comment-service like:
if you can't do this in php.
We do not code scripts for you, we only help with soultions for your problems you have while coding.

out of curiousity, why would you prefer an on file (.txt) storage than mysql?

I don't think spoon feeding is allowed here but should you have the motivation to learn php and do some scripts of your own, I would recommend you watch this

This one helped me out a lot in creating my own scripts (After I got my hands dirty first). The instructor teaches you things by example so you will learn quickly.

Member Avatar for diafol

> could you possibly make this script for me as i am a noob when it comes to php

Certainly, what figure did you have in mind?

what do you mean what figuer do you have mind, if you mean pay you thats not possible sorry,

i am currently using disqus but i want my website to look more professional, please view my website

but then you need more design

Member Avatar for diafol

> what do you mean what figuer do you have mind, if you mean pay you thats not possible sorry,

But you asked,

> could you possibly make this script for me as i am a noob when it comes to php

I assumed, you were asking somebody to write the code for you. You obviously didn't mean to ask somebody to write bespoke code for free, so I got confused. What did you mean?

>i am currently using disqus but i want my website to look more professional

And? What do you want? I would like a bigger house, but telling a random stranger that ain't gonna make it happen. Unless I find some builder-cum-architect schmuck that'll build a new house with really cool specs and just give it to me. Get me?

sorry mate im just kind of buzy with school and exams and stuff, all i wanted was a php comment box that doesnt use mysql sorry.

1. then whats the problem about disqus?
2. I'm in my last weeks of exams for school too..

Member Avatar for diafol

Look, do some research and some searches with good keywords and you'll get hundreds of hits. Brush up on your mysql so you can produce a proper system. Using files is lame. Being a script bunny won't develop your skills as a programmer. Sorry if I came on a little strong.

I second ardav's comment. All of us is here in the forums to help one another but HELPING has some limitations.

I do not think this forum likes spoon feeding as it promotes laziness. I think it is safe to assume that we are all busy here, but still try to spend sometime to CONTRIBUTE something.

Back to your request, I think most would agree to store your files in mysql than in .txt files as mysql is more secure.

Check out the video I gave you it has a step by step instructions on how you can write your comment box for free. All you need to do next is to just watch the video and type at the same time.

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way associated with the php guru in the video.

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