
I have LAMP stack as server and doing my development work on windows.

What version system would be perfect in this scenario?


happygeek commented: Ignore my previous rep comments, made in error +12


I would recommend you to take a look at GIT.
I've used Subversion, Rational Synergy and Source-safe before and GIT beats them all the way I see it.

We're also using a LAMP bundle and are developing on Linux, MAC OS and Windows...


Would second the use of GIT.
I have used CVS and SVN previously but GIT beat them both hands down.

It does take some getting used to though since you're not dependent on any central repository/server.

Yep, my vote goes to Git

Thanks to all. I am trying git.

If you are completely new to Git, there is a great step-by-step tutorial site that will actually walk you through some hands on exercises and teach you most of the fundamentals of using Git: http://gitimmersion.com/

commented: Thanks for the link! +1
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