I want to pass the checkbox values from my form to another PHP file upon clicking the next hyperlink. But I am unable to do so. I have javascript in my form which checks that only one checkbox is selected. To use this javascript, I need to name all my checkboxes the same. but I want to be still able to post the values to the php file for further processing.
Here is my code

Form code

<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
function checkBoxValidate(cb) {
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (eval("document.myform.ckbox[" + j + "].checked") == true) {
document.myform.ckbox[j].checked = false;
if (j == cb) {
document.myform.ckbox[j].checked = true;
//  End -->

<form name=myform>

<p>Please choose a variable to incrementally create your form  
<div style " 

<div style = "width:500px;height:275px;border:2px solid blue;

<table border = "1">

<th>Choose One</th>
<th>Element Name </th>
<td><input type = "checkbox" name = "ckbox" value = "txt_box"
<td><input type = "textbox" name = "text_box"></td>


<td><input type = "checkbox" name = "ckbox" value = "list_box"
<td>List Box</td>
<option value="ListItem1"></option>
  <option value="ListItem1">ListItem1</option>
  <option value="ListItem2">ListItem2</option>
  <option value="ListItem3">ListItem3</option>
  <option value="ListItem4">ListItem4</option>


<td><input type = "checkbox" name = "ckbox" value = "chk_box"
<td><input type = "checkbox" name = "checkbox"></td>


<td><input type = "checkbox" name = "ckbox" value = "radio"
<td><input type = "Radio" name = "Radio"></td>



<a href = "AppForm1.html" >Back</a>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp
<a href = "checkboxSubmit.php" >Next >></a>

php code


    echo $_POST['ckbox'];


Use radio buttons. That's what they are for: selection of one of multiple values.

Use radio buttons. That's what they are for: selection of one of multiple values.

The constraint of my application is that they need to be a checkboxes.

In the processing script, walk through the $_POST array and check which item of ckbox has a value assigned. Test it:

<form method='post'>
  <input type='checkbox' name='cb[]' value='a'>
  <input type='checkbox' name='cb[]' value='b'>
  <input type='submit' value='submit'>

  print_r( $_POST );

In the processing script, walk through the $_POST array and check which item of ckbox has a value assigned. Test it:

<form method='post'>
  <input type='checkbox' name='cb[]' value='a'>
  <input type='checkbox' name='cb[]' value='b'>
  <input type='submit' value='submit'>

  print_r( $_POST );

Thanks,but the problem is a little different. I cannot have a submit button, instead I need to have a hyperlink to Next>> text. When the user clicks next, the form has to do a POST to the php file. Also, I think I might not be able to have an array as the javascript to enable only 1 checkbox needs the name attribute to be a non array.

Use the id attribute in Javascript and the name attribute in the PHP form processing.
For processing it is irrelevant if you have a submit button or a javascript function calling form.submit().

Use the id attribute in Javascript and the name attribute in the PHP form processing.
For processing it is irrelevant if you have a submit button or a javascript function calling form.submit().

Thanks very much for your suggestion. For some reason, my Javascript form.submit() did not work. I negotiated this entire problem by adding a submit button with a value ="Next>>". That solved my issue.

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