Hi, I've finished fixing a website for a client. However, he has a form that is not validating and I'm not exactly sure why.

Here are some of the errors - Missing Fields Your form located at does not work because you forgot to include the required "rec_mailto" field within the form. This field specifies who the email will be sent to. This should look like:
<input type="hidden" name="rec_mailto" value="youremail@yoursite.com">
There are two other missing field issues.

If anyone has some suggestions that would be great!

When you say validation, where are you trying to do the validation? I get no errors when trying to validate.

When you say validation, where are you trying to do the validation? I get no errors when trying to validate.

Thanks for your response, I actually have the website up. There are three missing fields that show up after I've filled in the form. If you'd like I could send you the web address or a screen shot.

That is fine. Go ahead.

It has to be an issue in your PHP. I see nothing wrong with the HTML.

Thanks! I'm going to reload his php form again and see what happens.

It has to be an issue in your PHP. I see nothing wrong with the HTML.

Thanks, I'm going to reload his php form again and see what happens.

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