Hey everyone!

After some research I have found that I need some javescript help to process a users click from a html drop down select list..

I am trying to create an admin area for a website in php and using mysql database.

In my admin home page, I have an option to choose a title on a page, from a dropdown select list. Which when clicked/chosen, should redirect to the edit_page.php..

My question is: When the admin have clicked a value from the select box, how do I redirect to the edit_page.php, where there is a form with the following fields, which gets prepopulated, (Hopefully, eventually..):

- Page full title: Form here
- Linklabel: Form here
- Heading: Form here
- Body text: Form here

And I want to prepopulate the form fields so its easy to seee what to edit.

But I basically dont have any idea on how to get the data put into the form fields in edit_page.php.. I am new to PHP :-)

My code for the select dropdown is:

$query="SELECT id, linklabel FROM pages ORDER BY id ASC";       

      /* You can add order by clause to the sql statement if the names are to be displayed in alphabetical order */
      '<form action=edit_page.php method=post>';
      $result = mysqli_query ($myConnection, $query);
      echo "<select class=\"boxstyles\" name='linklabel'>Choose a page to        edit</option>";
      // printing the list box select command     
      while($nt=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){//Array or records stored in $nt
      echo "<option value=$nt[id]>$nt[linklabel]</option>";
      /* Option values are added by looping through the array */
      echo "</select>";// Closing of list box  

In the database there is more than these two fields: ID, LINKLABEL - There is also: PAGETITLE, HEADING and BODYTEXT.

To prepopulate the edit_page.php form fields, do i need to include more than the: ID and LINKLABEL in the select box.

I hope this makes sence, and cleares my problem..

Look at the answer to your first post of this item.

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

you can do that redirecting the admin to the edit_page.php with GET you recibe that...

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