Hope this is the right forum.Ive having a problem with an error after trying to install Furl for invision.

Ive tried alot of times and no matter how i do it i come up with this error.Ive edited in different php editors,and everything.Heres the error

"Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/exp0sed.org/httpdocs/Forum/sources/classes/class_display.php on line 1073"

Heres the area edited to install furl

		// Images on another server? uncomment and alter below

		if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['ipb_img_url'] )
			$this->ipsclass->skin['_wrapper'] = preg_replace( "#img\s+?src=[\"']style_(images|avatars|emoticons)(.+?)[\"'](.+?)?".">#is", "img src=\"".$this->ipsclass->vars['ipb_img_url']."style_\\1\\2\"\\3>", $this->ipsclass->skin['_wrapper'] );

        require ROOT_PATH."FURL.php";

        print $this->ipsclass->skin['_wrapper'];

    function make_url($title,$id,$type,$linktitle="",$tidlink=""){global $ibforums;$text = $title;//Charachters must be in ASCII and certain ones aint allowed$text = html_entity_decode ($text);$text = preg_replace ("'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", "", $text);$text = str_replace(" / ","-",$text);$text = str_replace("/","-",$text);$text = str_replace("'","-",$text);$text = str_replace(" - ","-",$text);$text = str_replace("_","-",$text);$text = str_replace(" ","-",$text);$text = str_replace( "ä", "ae", $text);$text = str_replace( "ö", "oe", $text);$text = str_replace( "ü", "ue", $text);$text = str_replace( "Ä", "Ae", $text);$text = str_replace( "Ö", "Oe", $text);$text = str_replace( "Ü", "Ue", $text);$text = str_replace( "ß", "ss", $text);$text = str_replace( "&", "and", $text);$text = str_replace( "%", "Percent", $text);$text = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9-]", "", $text);$text = str_replace("----","-",$text);$text = str_replace("---","-",$text);$text = str_replace("--","-",$text);
if ($linktitle!=""){$linktitle = " title=\"".$linktitle."\"";}
if ($tidlink!=""){$tidlink = " id=\"tid-link-{$tidlink}\"";}
$furl = "<a{$tidlink} href=\"{$this->ipsclass->vars['board_url']}/{$text}-{$type}{$id}.html\"{$linktitle}>{$title}</a>";return $furl;}

Here is line 1073,a few lines above and after.

list( $cust_number, $acc_number ) = explode( ',', $cust_number_tmp );

				@header( "Content-type: text/xml" );
				$out  = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?'.'>';
				$out .= "\n<ipscheck>\n\t<result>1</result>\n\t<customer_id>5471</customer_id>\n\t<account_id>79874</account_id>\n\t"

I dont see how there could be an error on the actual line it says there is as there have been no edits there and its just copyright type of stuff.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

May just be the way the forum format things, but the following line in the first code block (function makeURL):

$text = $title;//Charachters must be in ASCII and certain ones aint allowed$text = html_entity_decode ($text);

should be two lines:

$text = $title;//Charachters must be in ASCII and certain ones aint allowed
$text = html_entity_decode ($text);

May just be the way the forum format things, but the following line in the first code block (function makeURL):

$text = $title;//Charachters must be in ASCII and certain ones aint allowed$text = html_entity_decode ($text);

should be two lines:

$text = $title;//Charachters must be in ASCII and certain ones aint allowed
$text = html_entity_decode ($text);

Thanks,your post helped me figure it out.

Glad to be able to help - if only a little bit!

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