i wanna to upload some images for my banners but i want to send special formats to my db like jpeg and png i wrote some things like this


if ($type==image/jpeg)
//i wanna upload png files too. but i dont know how to add it. exactly i wanna send jpeg or png and not other formats.
//now i can upload only jpeg photos 
//insert command

//or some thing else

may some body help me with this problem
please send me correct command

You can append image/png to filter the png image type.

if($type=="image/jpeg" || $type=="image/png")

This will upload both jpeg and png image types.
php file upload

You can append image/png to filter the png image type.

if($type=="image/jpeg" || $type=="image/png")

This will upload both jpeg and png image types.
php file upload

Thanks my dear.

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