
In the follwoing code,siteIDs[i]can't got the i value which defined in for loop.

Can anyone help me?

            for (i=0; i<siteIDs.length;i++){
                $( "#sites" ).autocomplete({             
                    source: siteNames,
                    select: function() {$('#siteID').val(siteIDs[i])}    

what exactly is your problem? is it that i is not the correct value, or is it that siteIDs has the wrong value? perhaps the problem is that you did not declare i.

$( "#sites" ).each().autocomplete({ 
source: siteNames,
select: function() {$('#siteID').val('give it a value)} 

This is not tested but the idea is to use .each instead of a loop. I would have to see more code to do anything other than this guess.

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