id name
3 22P1_RAT

Hello ,

See above shows a database table contains 2 fields id and name..
I need to search these values and display the names with a keyword entered by user.
The key word may b a string or even a character say "A","5HT1E","4".....
The problem is i need to check the keyword only in the part before the "_" from the name field....

suppose an user enterd a keyword "A", my expected results are A4_HUMAN,ABC3H_HUMAN..
The string 22P1_RAT & 5HT1E_HUMAN also contains the keyword "A" but it is after the"_" i don;t need it as the result..

So kindly provide me the query using 'like' operator...
How can i write the query?????? :(

Hi there
Firstly I would recommend you seperate the code and species into different fields.
otherwise it will take more coding, and take longer to process.

However here is some code that should work:


$conn = ''; //connection info
$input = $_POST['input']; //the users input
$sql_input = mysql_real_escape_string($input);//sanitize input
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE '%$sql_input%'";
//we query with the %LIKE% so as to slightly reduce databse consumption for next event
$query = @mysql_query($sql,$conn); //execute the query
$result = array(); //prepare the array
while($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ //loop through the table
	$name = explode('_',$row['name']); //split the result where the underscore is
	$key = $name[0]; //the explode array starts at 0 for first found
	$species = $name[1]; // the species
	if(strpos($key,$input)){ //detect if the input is in the returned key
		$result[] = $row['name']; //add row to result
//now you can loop through results

foreach($result as $output){
	echo $output.'<br />';

sorry... i have a correction in my question...

actually i need to display..the entire row...matching the keyword..

now how will be the query??

Just output the row as the query is running


$conn = ''; //connection info
$input = $_POST['input']; //the users input
$sql_input = mysql_real_escape_string($input);//sanitize input
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE '%$sql_input%'";
//we query with the %LIKE% so as to slightly reduce databse consumption for next event
$query = @mysql_query($sql,$conn); //execute the query
while($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ //loop through the table
	$name = explode('_',$row['name']); //split the result where the underscore is
	$key = $name[0]; //the explode array starts at 0 for first found
	$species = $name[1]; // the species
	if(strpos($key,$input)){ //detect if the input is in the returned key
		echo $row['id'].' - '.$row['name'];

Just output the row as the query is running


$conn = ''; //connection info
$input = $_POST['input']; //the users input
$sql_input = mysql_real_escape_string($input);//sanitize input
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE '%$sql_input%'";
//we query with the %LIKE% so as to slightly reduce databse consumption for next event
$query = @mysql_query($sql,$conn); //execute the query
while($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ //loop through the table
	$name = explode('_',$row['name']); //split the result where the underscore is
	$key = $name[0]; //the explode array starts at 0 for first found
	$species = $name[1]; // the species
	if(strpos($key,$input)){ //detect if the input is in the returned key
		echo $row['id'].' - '.$row['name'];


No worries.

Remember if thread is solved to mark as solved :D

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