I keep getting the following error and cant seem to figure out where I'm going wrong with the code and have tried changing it but just seem to make is worse wonder could someone please help me, the code i am using is as follows:

this is the code for deleteCus.php

include ('db.php');

$str="delete from customer where customerid =$cid ";

print $str;

This is code that i am using wit AJAX in it

include ('functions.php');

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  <p>Delete Customer Form </p>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>

		var id=$(this).val();
		var dataString = 'id='+ id;
			type: 'POST',url:'DelDetails.php',data: dataString,	cache: false,success: function(html)


  <form method="post" name ="theForm" id="theForm"  >
    <table width='797' height="45" id='details'>
        <td width="789" colspan="2"><select name='cusname' id='customer' >
          <?php customerList(); ?>
          <input type='button' value='Select Customer' name='submit' id='submit' /></td>
  <div id="details" class="details"></div>

	print "<form method='POST' action='deleteCus.php'>";
	print "<table>";
	print "<tr><td>Customer Name</td><td><input  name='cname'type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[1] '></input></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Address Line 1</td><td><input name ='caddress' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[2] '></input></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Address Line 2</td><td><input name='caddress1' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[3] '></input></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Address Line 3</td><td><input name='caddress2' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[4] '></input></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td> County</td><td><input name='county' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[6] '></input></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Postcode</td><td><input name='cpostcode' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[5] '></input></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td> Telephone Number</td><td><input name='ctelephone' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[7] '></input></td></tr>";
	print "<tr><td>Email</td><td><input name='cemail' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[8] '></input></td></tr>";	
	print "<tr style='display:none'><td>Email</td><td><input name='cid' type='text' size=30 value='$myArray[0] ' ></input></td></tr>";		
    print "</table>";
	print "<input type='submit' value='Delete' onSubmit alert('Are you Sure you want to Delete This Customer')/> <br />";

	print "</form>";

include ('db.php');

print $cid;
$str="select * from CustomerName='$cname',CustomerAddress='$cusadd1',CustomerAddress1='$cusadd2',CustomerAddress2='$cusadd3',County='$ccounty',CustomerPostCode='$custpc',CustomerTelNo='$custele',CustomerEmail='$cusemail' where customerid=$cid";

print $str;


the error is:

( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: cid in C:\wamp\www\Engineering\deleteCus.php on line 6
Call Stack
#	Time	Memory	Function	Location
1	0.0008	676088	{main}( )	..\deleteCus.php:0

delete from customer where customerid =

In the first file $cid is never defined.
I think you mean $_POST instead of just $cid?

yea it should be, i'm after changing it there now but still getting the same error!!!!

check your code by replacing your line 8 with this.....

$str="delete from customer where customerid ='".$_POST['cid']."' ";

If it's fine then ok...otherwise ....before line 8 add this line and see what's your output.....

echo $_POST['cid'];

thanks a million tomato.pgn that worked!!! :D

Mark solved if its solved.

Welcome...i am always their to help others.....:)

$q_fix=str_replace(" ","%",$q); // Space replacing with %
$result=mysql_query("SELECT title FROM articles WHERE title LIKE '%$q_fix%'");
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="q" /> <input type="submit" value=" Search " />

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo '<div>'.$title.'</div>';

Notice: Undefined variable: result in C:\wamp\www\myfirst_samp\search.php on line 19

Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in C:\wamp\www\myfirst_samp\search.php on line 19

Please help me...

I'm getting result without error after submitting...
But, before searching i am getting that error,

Member Avatar for diafol

Consider a new thread next time as this is unrelated to the original post.

You are trying to refrence $result, even if a POST has not been made as the following will run regardless:

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
    echo '<div>'.$title.'</div>';
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