I am getting this error ,can anyone help me :

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home4/thesisth/public_html/pdfsearchmachine/classes/rss.php on line 14

Here is the rss.php


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">          

$search = $_GET["search"];
$replace = " "; $with = "+";
$search = str_replace($replace, $with, $search);

if ($rs = $rss->get("http://api.search.yahoo.com/WebSearchService/rss/webSearch.xml?appid=yahoosearchwebrss&query=originurlextension%3Apdf+$search&adult_ok=1&start=$start")) 


// Go through the list powered by the search engine listed and get the data from each <item>

   foreach($rs['items'] as $item) 

	// Get the title of result

	   $title = $item['title'];

	// Get the description of the result

	   $description = $item['description'];

	// Get the link eg amazon.com

	   $urllink = $item['guid'];

$color = ROW1_COLOR;
$color = ROW2_COLOR;

include "resulttemplate.php";
 echo "\n"; 




For php error,
Always put foreach in if condition.

	foreach($rs['items'] as $item) 
		//--- code---
	echo 'There is no items...';

And for URL there are some php variables in url like $search.
Check the string generated (output of php code) in the one you have used in another site.

For php error,
Always put foreach in if condition.

	foreach($rs['items'] as $item) 
		//--- code---
	echo 'There is no items...';

And for URL there are some php variables in url like $search.
Check the string generated (output of php code) in the one you have used in another site.

Someone told me that maximum number of searches per day by yahoo is only 5000 ,if you want to advance that ,you need to pay..is that true?

For php error,
Always put foreach in if condition.

	foreach($rs['items'] as $item) 
		//--- code---
	echo 'There is no items...';

And for URL there are some php variables in url like $search.
Check the string generated (output of php code) in the one you have used in another site.

It is working with that URL ,previuos one ,I did not do any changes,Sometimes it works and sometimes don't ,I don't know why..

It might be the api is not responding correctly...this problem exist sometimes due to heavy load or change(updation or modification) in api.....

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