I need help! Here's script:

echo $time."<br>";
$convert=date("G:i:s d. n. Y. ",$time);
//convert $time to our date: output is 9:35:58 27. 4. 2011. 
echo $convert."<br>";
//convert converted time to unix: doesn't work
echo $con2;

I have two script. One script write the time to the document, and the second checks if the time is the same as now. I always get some weird time. And I made this program. And it doesn't work. what's mistake? Thanks!

Here's how you should be using the Date/Time features in PHP to achieve the same thing:

$tz = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris');
$time = new DateTime("@1303889758",$tz);
$time -> setTimeZone($tz);
$convert = $time -> format("G:i:s d. n. Y. ");
//convert $time to our date: output is 9:35:58 27. 4. 2011. 
echo $convert."<br>";
$con2 = $time -> format("U");
//convert converted time to unix: doesn't work
echo $con2;

OK. Thanks a lot!

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