I am passing value to AJAX function, but always shows undefined..
It works fine two days ago, but not today..


<input type="checkbox" onclick="[B]disablebatch()[/B]; selectinactivecourse(this.checked); " id="inactive_check" name="inactive_check" <?php if(isset($_POST['inactive_check'])) echo "checked";?>>


<select id="course" name="course" style="width:145px" onchange="selectBatch1(this.value, document.myform.inactive_batch.value);"> // [U]Where I am passing Checkbox's value[/U]
<select id="course" name="course" style="width:145px" onchange="selectBatch1(this.value, document.myform.inactive_batch.checked);"> // [U]Also not working[/U]

function disablebatch()

function selectBatch1(str, str1)
    var v=str1;  // [B]str1 value is undefined[/B]
    if (xmlhttp1==null)
      alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
    var url="selectBatch.php";
    if(v==undefined || v==true)


Where is inactive_batch field?
Post complete code in CODE tags.

	if(empty($_SESSION['uid']) && empty($_SESSION['username']))

	//DB Connection
		$con=mysql_connect('localhost', 'tak27310_admin','admin123');
		if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }
		mysql_select_db("tak27310_followup", $con);	
		$page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
		$perPage = isset($_GET['perPage']) ? $_GET['perPage'] : 10;
		$max_links = 10;
		function pagination_link($id, $page)
			  $nextpagetext = "";
			  $nextpagetext = '?page='.$page;
			  if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']=="cr")
			  	$nextpagetext .= '&action='.$_REQUEST['action']."&date=".$_REQUEST['date']."&from=".$_REQUEST['from']."&course=".$_REQUEST['course']."&batch=".$_REQUEST['batch'] ;
			  if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']=="bd")
			  	$nextpagetext .= '&action='.$_REQUEST['action']."&feeStatus=".$_REQUEST['feeStatus']."&course=".$_REQUEST['course']."&batch=".$_REQUEST['batch'] ;
			  return $nextpagetext;
	  	function pagination($count, $perPage, $id, $page, $max_links)
			  $total_pages = ceil($count/$perPage);
			  if($page >10)
			  $prev10 = '&nbsp;<a style = "color: #0000CC" href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page-10)).'" ><strong>Previous 10</strong></a>&nbsp;'; 
			  if($page >1)
			  $prev = '&nbsp;<a style = "color: #0000CC" href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page-1)).'" ><strong>Previous</strong></a>&nbsp;'; 
			  $first = '<a href="'.pagination_link($id, 1).'">&lt;&lt;</a>'; 
				  $next10 = '&nbsp;<a style = "color: #0000CC" href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page+10)).'"><strong>Next 10</strong></a>&nbsp; '; 
				  $next10 = '&nbsp;<a style = "color: #0000CC" href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page+$total_pages-$page)).'"><strong>Next 10</strong></a>&nbsp; '; 
				  $next = '&nbsp; <a style = "color: #0000CC" href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page+1)).'"><strong>Next</strong></a>&nbsp; '; 
				  $last = '<a href="'.pagination_link($id, $total_pages).'">&gt;&gt;</a>&nbsp; ';
			  echo $first;
			  echo $prev10;								  
			  echo $prev;
			  $loop = 0;
			  if($page >= $max_links) 
			 	 $page_counter = ceil($page - ($max_links-1));
			  	$page_counter = 1;
			  if($total_pages < $max_links)
			  	$max_links = $total_pages;
				  if($page_counter == $page) 
					  echo ' &nbsp; <strong style="color: #CC0033">'.$page_counter.'</strong> &nbsp; '; 
					  echo '<a style = "color: #000000" href="'.pagination_link($id, ($page_counter)).'">'.$page_counter.'</a> &nbsp; ';
				  $page_counter++; $current_page=($page_counter+1);
			  } while ($max_links > $loop);
			  echo $next;
				  echo $next10;
			  echo $last;
	//for course dropdownbox
			$ccourse = $_REQUEST['course'];
			$ccourse = "All";
		$course_to_preselect = $ccourse;
		$resultCourse="SELECT * FROM courses WHERE status='Active' ORDER By name";
		$options_courses = array();
		$options_courses[All] = 'All';
			while($rowCourse = mysql_fetch_array($queryCourse))
		     	$options_courses[$rowCourse[id]] = $rowCourse[name];
	//for batch dropdownbox
			$cbatch = $_REQUEST['batch'];
			$cbatch = "All";
		$batch_to_preselect = $cbatch;
		$resultBatch="SELECT * FROM batch ORDER By batch";
		$options_batches = array();
		$options_batches[All] = 'All';
			while($rowBatch = mysql_fetch_array($queryBatch))
		     	$options_batches[$rowBatch[bid]] = $rowBatch[batch];
	//For selected fee status
		else if($_REQUEST['feeStatus']=='false')


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Follow Up :: Search Prospect</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
<script src="selectBatch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="selectCustomer.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="php_calendar/scripts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="datedialog-files/anchor-position.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="datedialog-files/datedialog.js"></script>

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="datedialog-files/datedialog.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >

<script type="text/javascript">
	function disablebatch()
	function checkvalue()
	function openWin(fromdate, uid){
	  var d = window.open("misRecords.php?fromdate=" + fromdate + "&uid=" + uid, "details" , "location=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=1, status=0, titlebar=0, toolbar=0, directories=0, resizable=1, width=600, height=350, top=50, left=50");
	  d.resizeTo(600, 350);
	  d.moveTo(250, 50);


<style type="text/css">
	#searchPanel select, input{
	misrpt a{

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" onload="selectBatch1(document.getElementById('course').value)">
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=".$_REQUEST['action'];?>" method="post" name="myform" id="myform">

<table width="1000" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  	<tr style="background-image:url('images/tops.png'); height:160px;">
    	<td style=" vertical-align:bottom;" class="td-format white-text">
		     <div style="float:right; padding-right:20px; text-align:center ">
		     <b>Welcome to TOPS</b><br><br><?php echo $username; ?></div>
	    	<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		      	<td style="width: 162px"><a href="prospects.php?page=1"><img src="images/prospect-dark.png" alt="" border="0"></a></td>
		      	<td><a href="followup.php"><img src="images/index_03.gif" alt="" border="0"></a></td>
				<td><a href="students.php"><img src="images/students-dark.png" alt="" border="0"></a></td>
				<td><a href="mis.php"><img src="images/MIS-white.png" alt="" border="0"></a></td>
				<?php if($_SESSION['usertype']=="Administrator") { ?>
		        <td><a href="admin.php" style="text-decoration:none; border-color:transparent"><img src="images/admin-dark.png" alt="" border="0px" style="text-decoration:none"></a></td>
		        <?php } ?>
		        <td style="width:550px; height:40px; background-image:url('images/index_07.gif'); text-align:left; padding-left:10px; font-weight:bold;" class="td-format white-text"></td>
		        <td style="background-image:url('images/index_07.gif'); width:613px; text-align:right; padding-right:20px;" class="td-format white-text"><a href="" class="white-text">
					<a class="white-text" href="change-password-content.php">
				Change Password</a> | <a href="logout.php" class="white-text">

<table width="1000" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="white">
		<td colspan="2" style="padding:10px 10px 0 10px" align="center">
			<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:1px #5F6A89 solid;">
					<td class="td-format">
						<table id="searchPanel" class="td-format" cellpadding="6px" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%">
						<?php if($_REQUEST['action'] == "cr") { ?>
								<td style="text-align:right; text-align:right;">Select Course</td>
									<div style=" float:left;">
									<input type="checkbox" onclick="disablebatch(); selectinactivecourse(this.checked); " id="inactive_check" name="inactive_check" <?php if(isset($_POST['inactive_check'])) echo "checked";?>></div><div style=" float:left; padding-top:2px; padding-left:5px;"> Inactive</div>
								<td style="text-align:left">
									<div id="inactivecourse">
											$ccourse = $_REQUEST['course'];
											$ccourse = "All";
										$resultCourse="SELECT * FROM courses WHERE status='Inactive' ORDER By name";
										$options_courses = array();
										$options_courses[All] = 'All';
										while($rowCourse = mysql_fetch_array($queryCourse))
									     	$options_courses[$rowCourse[id]] = $rowCourse[name];
    									?><select id="course" name="course" style="width:145px" onchange="selectBatch1(this.value, document.myform.inactive_check.checked);"><?php
										foreach ($options_courses as $index => $value)
										    echo '    <option value="' . $index . '"';
										    if ($index == $course_to_preselect)
										        echo ' selected ';
										    echo '>' . $value . '</option>';

									<select id="course" name="course" style="width:145px" onchange="selectBatch1(this.value, document.myform.inactive_check.checked);">
										foreach ($options_courses as $index => $value)
										    echo '    <option value="' . $index . '"';
										    if ($index == $course_to_preselect)
										        echo ' selected ';
										    echo '>' . $value . '</option>';
								<td style="text-align:right">
								<td style="text-align:right">
								<td style="padding-right:15px; text-align:right">
								<td style="text-align:right;" id="td_selectbatch">Select Batch</td>
								<td><div style=" float:left;">
								<input type="checkbox" onclick="selectinactivebatch(this.checked);" id="inactive_batch" name="inactive_batch" <?php if(isset($_POST['inactive_batch'])) echo "checked";?>>
								</div><div style=" float:left; padding-top:2px; padding-left:5px;"> Inactive</div></td>
								<td>								<?php //for batch dropdownbox
										$cbatch = $_REQUEST['batch'];
										$cbatch = "All";
									$batch_to_preselect = $cbatch;
									$resultBatch="SELECT * FROM batch WHERE batch_status = 'Active' ORDER By batch";
									$options_batches = array();
									$options_batches[All] = 'All';
										while($rowBatch = mysql_fetch_array($queryBatch))
									     	$options_batches[$rowBatch[bid]] = $rowBatch[batch];
								<div id="txtBatch">
									<select id="batch" name="batch" style="width:145px">
										foreach ($options_batches as $index => $value)
										    echo '    <option value="' . $index . '"';
										    if ($index == $batch_to_preselect)
										        echo ' selected ';
										    echo '>' . $value . '</option>';
								<td><label style="padding-left:5px;">From: </label>	</td>
								<td><input type="text" name="date" id="date" style="width:100px" value="<?php if(isset($_REQUEST['date'])){echo $_REQUEST['date'];}?>" >
											&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="php_calendar/cal.gif" onclick="javascript:viewcalendar()" alt="From" title="Select From Date" style="cursor:pointer;"></td>
								<td><label style="padding-left:5px;">To: </label></td>
								<td><input type="text" name="from" id="from" style="width:100px" value="<?php if(isset($_REQUEST['from'])){echo $_REQUEST['from'];}?>" >
											&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="php_calendar/cal.gif" onclick="javascript:viewcalendar1()" alt="To"  title="Select To Date" style="cursor:pointer;"></td>
								<td><input type="submit" name="search" value="Go"></td>
						<?php } else if($_REQUEST['action'] == "bd") { ?>
								<td style="text-align:right">
									<label style="padding-right:25px; padding-left:5px;">
									Course: </label>	
									<select id="course" name="course" onchange="selectBatch1(this.value);">
										foreach ($options_courses as $index => $value)
										    echo '    <option value="' . $index . '"';
										    if ($index == $course_to_preselect)
										        echo ' selected ';
										    echo '>' . $value . '</option>';
								<td style="text-align:right">
									<label style="padding-right:25px; padding-left:5px;">
									Batch: </label>
								<div id="txtBatch">
									<select id="batch" name="batch">
										foreach ($options_batches as $index => $value)
										    echo '    <option value="' . $index . '"';
										    if ($index == $batch_to_preselect)
										        echo ' selected ';
										    echo '>' . $value . '</option>';
									<input type="radio" name="feeStatus" value="true" <?php echo $wf; ?>>&nbsp;With Fee&nbsp;
									<input type="radio" name="feeStatus" value="false" <?php echo $wof; ?>>&nbsp;Without Fee
								<td style="padding-right:15px; text-align:right">
									<input type="submit" name="search" value="Go">
						<?php } ?>
		<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
		<td style="background-color:white; width:20%; padding:0 0 50px 10px" valign="top">
			<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width: 100%; vertical-align:top; border:1px #5F6A89 solid;  height:100px;"  align="center">
		  		<tr style="height:22px; background-image:url('images/bar.gif'); color:white; padding:5px 0 0 10px" class="td-format">
		  			<td style="padding-left:10px;">MIS Panel</td>
			      	<td style="padding-left:10px; height: 27px;"><a href="mis.php?action=sp">
					Search Reports</a></td>	  			
			      	<td style="padding-left:10px; height: 27px;"><a href="mis.php?action=lof&username=All">
					Open Follow-ups</a></td>	  			
		  			<td style="padding-left:10px; height: 27px;"><a href="mis.php?action=lpnf&orderby=name">
					Prospects without Follow-ups</a></td>
		  			<td style="padding-left:10px; height: 27px;"><a href="mis-student.php?action=cr" <?php if($_REQUEST['action']=='cr') echo "style=color:#fb651f"; ?>>
					Collection Report</a></td>
		  			<td style="padding-left:10px; height: 27px;"><a href="mis-student.php?action=bd" <?php if($_REQUEST['action']=='bd') echo "style=color:#fb651f"; ?>>
					Batch Details</a></td>
		<td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style=" padding:0 10 20 10; vertical-align:top;">
			<div id="txtHint">
		<!--Search Result Starts here-->
			<table id="misrpt" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="border:1px #5F6A89 solid">
					if(isset($_POST['search']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == "cr")
						$fromdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['date']));
						$todate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['from']));		
				<tr class="td-format white-text" style="background-color:#575B66; padding-top:2px;">
					<td colspan="7" style="height:30px; padding:0 0 0 5px; vertical-align :middle; font-size:10pt; border-bottom:1px white solid">
						Collection Report for <strong>Course:</strong>
							if($_REQUEST['course'] == 'All')
								echo "All";
								$result = mysql_query("select * from courses where id = ".$_REQUEST['course']);
								$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
							echo $row['name'];
						and <strong>Batch:</strong>
							if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['inactive_check']==1)
								echo "All Inactive Courses";
							else if($_REQUEST['batch'] == 'All')
								echo "All";
								if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['inactive_check']==1)
									echo "All Inactive Batch";
								$result = mysql_query("select * from batch where bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']);
								$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
							echo $row['batch'];

					if($_REQUEST['date']!='' && $_REQUEST['from']!='')
					$fromdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['date']));
					$todate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['from']));	

					if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']=='All')
						$countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND r.amount != '0.00'");
					else if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
						$countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00'");
					else if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
						$countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00'");
						$countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND r.amount != '0.00'");
					if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['inactive_check']==1)
							 $res=mysql_query("select * from batch where batch_status='Inactive'");
								 $b.="s.bid = ".$row2[bid]." or ";
							 $b=substr($b, 0, $len-3);

							 $countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.amount != '0.00' and ($b)");
					else if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']=='All')
						{ $countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND r.amount != '0.00'"); }
					else if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
						{ $countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00'"); }
					else if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
						{ $countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00'"); }
						{ $countQCR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.amount != '0.00'"); }
 					$count = current(mysql_fetch_array($countQCR));
				<tr class="td-format white-text" style="background-color:#575B66; padding-top:2px; height:25px">
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Name</strong></td>				
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Mobile</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Receipt No.</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Date</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding-right:35px; text-align:right"><strong>Amount</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Course</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Batch</strong></td>
						<tbody class="scrollContent">
						if($count > 0)
								if($_REQUEST['date']!='' && $_REQUEST['from']!='')
								if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']=='All')
		 							$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
		 						else if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
									$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
								else if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
									$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
			 						$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.date >= '$fromdate' AND r.date <= '$todate' AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
								if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['inactive_check']==1)
	 								 $resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.amount != '0.00' and ($b) ORDER BY r.date DESC";
								else if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']=='All')
		 							$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
		 						else if($_REQUEST['course']=='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
									$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
								else if($_REQUEST['course']!='All' && $_REQUEST['batch']!='All')
									$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND s.cid = ".$_REQUEST['course']." AND s.bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']." AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
			 						$resultCR = "SELECT p.name as name, p.mobile as mobile, r.receipt_no as receipt_no, r.date as date, r.amount as amount, c.name as course, b.batch as batch  FROM students as s, prospects as p, receipt as r, courses as c, batch as b WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.sid = r.sid AND c.id = s.cid AND b.bid = s.bid AND r.amount != '0.00' ORDER BY r.date DESC"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
							$total = 0;							
		 						while($rowCR = mysql_fetch_array($queryCR))
		 						$total += $rowCR[amount];
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:4px"><?php echo $rowCR[name]; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:4px"><?php echo $rowCR[mobile]; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:4px; text-align:center"><?php echo $rowCR[receipt_no]; ?></td>
								<td class="td-format" style="padding:4px"><?php echo date('d-M-Y', strtotime($rowCR['date'])); ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding-right:30px; text-align:right"><?php echo $rowCR[amount]; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:4px"><?php echo $rowCR[course]; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:4px"><?php echo $rowCR[batch]; ?></td>
				 				<td colspan="3" class="td-format" style="padding:5px; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid">&nbsp;</td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:7px; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid"><strong>Total:</strong></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding-right:30px; text-align:right; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid"><strong><?php echo number_format($total, 2, '.', ''); ?></strong></td>
				 				<td colspan="2" class="td-format" style="padding:5px; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid">&nbsp;</td>
									<td colspan="7" style="text-align:center; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid;padding:5px">
										<div class="td-format" align="right" style=" padding:0 0 0 0; margin:0 0 0 0; font-size:8pt">
											Results <b><?php echo "1"; ?></b> 
									    	- <b><?php echo $count; ?></b> 
											Out of <b><?php echo $count;?></b></div>
				 				echo "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" class=\"td-format\" style=\"padding:10px; text-align:center; color:blue; font-weight:bold; vertical-align:top\">No Records Found!</td></tr>";		
				 	else if($_REQUEST['action'] == "bd" && $_REQUEST['feeStatus'] == 'true')
				<tr class="td-format white-text" style="background-color:#575B66; padding-top:2px;">
					<td colspan="6" style="height:30px; padding:0 0 0 5px; vertical-align :middle; font-size:10pt; border-bottom:1px white solid">
						Batch Details for <strong>Course:</strong>
							if($_REQUEST['course'] == 'All')
								echo "All";
								$result = mysql_query("select * from courses where id = ".$_REQUEST['course']);
								$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
							echo $row['name'];
						and <strong>Batch:</strong>
							if($_REQUEST['batch'] == 'All')
								echo "All";
								$result = mysql_query("select * from batch where bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']);
								$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
							echo $row['batch'];

					$cid = $_REQUEST['course'];
					$bid = $_REQUEST['batch'];
					if($cid == "All" && $bid != "All")
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true");
					else if($cid != "All" && $bid == "All")
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.status=true");
					else if($cid != "All" && $bid != "All")
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true");
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.status=true");
 					$count = current(mysql_fetch_array($countQBD));
				<tr class="td-format white-text" style="background-color:#575B66; padding-top:2px; height:25px">
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>S.no.</strong></td>				
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Name</strong></td>				
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Mobile</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Email</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px; text-align:center"><strong>Outstanding Fees</strong></td>
					<tbody class="scrollContent">
						//$offset = ($page-1) * $perPage;
						if($count > 0)
	 							if($cid == "All" && $bid != "All")
			 						$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
		 						else if($cid != "All" && $bid == "All")
									$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
								else if($cid != "All" && $bid != "All")
									$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
									$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
								$sno += 1;	
		 						while($rowBD = mysql_fetch_array($queryBD))
		 							$outTotal += $rowBD[fee_due];
								<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $sno; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $rowBD[name]; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $rowBD[mobile]; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $rowBD[email]; ?></td>
				 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px; text-align:right; padding-right:30px"><?php echo $rowBD[fee_due]; ?></td>
				 			//$pageCount = ceil($count/ $perPage);
					 				<td colspan="3" class="td-format" style="padding:5px; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid">&nbsp;</td>
					 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:7px; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid; text-align:right"><strong>Total:</strong></td>
					 				<td class="td-format" style="padding-right:30px; text-align:right; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid"><strong><?php echo number_format($outTotal, 2, '.', ''); ?></strong></td>
					 				<td colspan="2" class="td-format" style="padding:5px; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid">&nbsp;</td>

									<!--<td colspan="6" style="text-align:center; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid;padding:5px">
										<?php if($count>$max_links) { pagination($count, $perPage, $id, $page, $max_links); } ?>
										<div class="td-format" align="right" style=" padding:0 0 0 0; margin:0 0 0 0; font-size:8pt">
											Results <b><?php echo ($page-1)*$perPage+1;?></b> 
									    	- <b><?php echo min(array($page*$perPage,$count));?></b> 
											Out of <b><?php echo $count;?></b><br><br><a href="<?php echo "bdwf_reports/index.php?cid=".$_REQUEST['course']."&bid=".$_REQUEST['batch']; ?>" target="_blank" style="font-size:9pt">Print Report</a></div>
									<td colspan="7" style="text-align:center; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid;padding:5px">
										<div class="td-format" align="right" style=" padding:0 0 0 0; margin:0 0 0 0; font-size:8pt">
											Results <b><?php echo "1"; ?></b> 
									    	- <b><?php echo $count; ?></b> 
											Out of <b><?php echo $count;?></b><br><br><a href="<?php echo "bdwf_reports/index.php?cid=".$_REQUEST['course']."&bid=".$_REQUEST['batch']; ?>" target="_blank" style="font-size:9pt">Print Report</a></div>
				 				echo "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" class=\"td-format\" style=\"padding:10px; text-align:center; color:blue; font-weight:bold; vertical-align:top\">No Records Found!</td></tr>";		
				 	else if($_REQUEST['action'] == "bd" && $_REQUEST['feeStatus'] == 'false')
				<tr class="td-format white-text" style="background-color:#575B66; padding-top:2px;">
					<td colspan="8" style="height:30px; padding:0 0 0 5px; vertical-align :middle; font-size:10pt; border-bottom:1px white solid">
						Batch Details for <strong>Course:</strong>
							if($_REQUEST['course'] == 'All')
								echo "All";
								$result = mysql_query("select * from courses where id = ".$_REQUEST['course']);
								$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
							echo $row['name'];
						and <strong>Batch:</strong>
							if($_REQUEST['batch'] == 'All')
								echo "All";
								$result = mysql_query("select * from batch where bid = ".$_REQUEST['batch']);
								$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
							echo $row['batch'];
					$cid = $_REQUEST['course'];
					$bid = $_REQUEST['batch'];
					if($cid == "All" && $bid != "All")
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true");
					else if($cid != "All" && $bid == "All")
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.status=true");
					else if($cid != "All" && $bid != "All")
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true");
						$countQBD = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.status=true");
 					$count = current(mysql_fetch_array($countQBD));
				<tr class="td-format white-text" style="background-color:#575B66; padding-top:2px; height:25px">
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>S.no.</strong></td>				
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Name</strong></td>				
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Mobile</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Email</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Date1</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Date2</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Date3</strong></td>
					<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><strong>Date4</strong></td>
					<tbody class="scrollContent">

						//$offset = ($page-1) * $perPage;
						if($count > 0)
	 							if($cid == "All" && $bid != "All")
			 						$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
		 						else if($cid != "All" && $bid == "All")
									$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
								else if($cid != "All" && $bid != "All")
									$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.cid = $cid AND s.bid = $bid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;
									$resultBD = "SELECT * FROM students as s, prospects as p WHERE s.pid = p.pid AND s.status=true ORDER BY p.name"; //LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$perPage;

								$sno += 1;	
		 						while($rowBD = mysql_fetch_array($queryBD))
				 					echo "<tr style=color:red>";
				 					echo "<tr>";
						 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $sno; ?></td>
										<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $rowBD[name]; ?></td>
						 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $rowBD[mobile]; ?></td>
						 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px"><?php echo $rowBD[email]; ?></td>
						 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px">&nbsp;</td>
						 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px">&nbsp;</td>
						 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px">&nbsp;</td>
						 				<td class="td-format" style="padding:5px">&nbsp;</td>
				 			//$pageCount = ceil($count/ $perPage);
									<!--<td colspan="7" style="text-align:center; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid;padding:5px">
										<?php if($count>$max_links) { pagination($count, $perPage, $id, $page, $max_links); } ?>
										<div class="td-format" align="right" style=" padding:0 0 0 0; margin:0 0 0 0; font-size:8pt">
											Results <b><?php echo ($page-1)*$perPage+1;?></b> 
									    	- <b><?php echo min(array($page*$perPage,$count));?></b> 
											Out of <b><?php echo $count;?></b><br><br><a href="<?php echo "bd_reports/index.php?cid=".$_REQUEST['course']."&bid=".$_REQUEST['batch']; ?>" target="_blank" style="font-size:9pt">Print Report</a></div>
									<td colspan="8" style="text-align:center; border-top:1px #5F6A89 solid;padding:5px">
										<div class="td-format" align="right" style=" padding:0 0 0 0; margin:0 0 0 0; font-size:8pt">
											Results <b><?php echo "1"; ?></b> 
									    	- <b><?php echo $count; ?></b> 
											Out of <b><?php echo $count;?></b><br><br><a href="<?php echo "bd_reports/index.php?cid=".$_REQUEST['course']."&bid=".$_REQUEST['batch']; ?>" target="_blank" style="font-size:9pt">Print Report</a></div>
				 				echo "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" class=\"td-format\" style=\"padding:10px; text-align:center; color:blue; font-weight:bold; vertical-align:top\">No Records Found!</td></tr>";		


<table width="1000" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
	    <td height="80" align="center" background="images/index_45.gif" class="white-text td-format">
			Powered by <a href="http://kaconsultancy.com/" target="_blank" class="orange-text-underline">
			KA Consultancy Services</a>


AJAX Function

function selectBatch1(str, str1)
var v=str1;
if (xmlhttp1==null)
  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
var url="selectBatch.php";
if(v==undefined || v==true)


if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'misrpt')

	//for batch dropdownbox
			$cbatch = $_REQUEST['b'];
			$cbatch = 'All';			
		$batch_to_preselect = $cbatch;
		if($_REQUEST['c'] == 'All' && $_REQUEST['val']==1)
			$resultBatch="SELECT * FROM batch WHERE batch_status = 'Inactive'";
		else if($_REQUEST['c'] == 'All')
			$resultBatch="SELECT * FROM batch WHERE batch_status = 'Active' ORDER By batch";
			if($_REQUEST['val']==1) // Checked
				$resultBatch="SELECT * FROM batch WHERE batch_status = 'Active' AND cid = ".$_REQUEST['c']." ORDER By batch";
			if($_REQUEST['val']==0)	// Unchecked
				$resultBatch="SELECT * FROM batch WHERE batch_status = 'Inactive' AND cid = ".$_REQUEST['c']." ORDER By batch";
			$resultBatch="SELECT * FROM batch WHERE batch_status = 'Inactive'";
		$options_batches = array();
		$options_batches[All] = 'All';
			while($rowBatch = mysql_fetch_array($queryBatch))
		     	$options_batches[$rowBatch[bid]] = $rowBatch[batch];

	<select id="batch" name="batch" style="width:125px">
		foreach ($options_batches as $index => $value)
		    echo '    <option value="' . $index . '"';
		    if ($index == $batch_to_preselect)
		        echo ' selected ';
		    echo '>' . $value . '</option>';
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