Well as the noob that I am in this category this is literally my first JSP tutorial program
I am almost done but got these two errors..

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: file:C:/Documents and Settings/sa456p/My Documents/NetBeansProjects/IFPWAFCAD/build/web/index.jsp(6,60) PWC6188: The absolute uri: http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
org.apache.jasper.JasperException:  PWC6188: The absolute uri: http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
C:/Documents and Settings/sa456p/My Documents/NetBeansProjects/IFPWAFCAD/build/web/index.jsp(6,60)
C:\Documents and Settings\sa456p\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\IFPWAFCAD\nbproject\build-impl.xml:575: Java returned: 1

When I compile my index.jsp i get the error here is my index.jsp:

    Document   : index
    Created on : Jun 16, 2011, 12:28:50 PM
    Author     : sa456p
<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
<%@taglib prefix="sql" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql"%>
<sql:query var="subjects" dataSource="jdbc/IFPWAFCAD">

    SELECT subject_id as id, name FROM Subject

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>JSP Page</title>
        <h1>Hello World!</h1><table border="0">
                    <th>IFPWAFCAD offers expert counseling in a wide range of fields.</th>
                    <td>To view the contact details of an IFPWAFCAD certified former professional wrestler in your area, select a subject below:

                    <td><form action="response.jsp"><strong>Select a subject:</strong><select name="subject>id">
                                <select name="subject_id">

    <c:forEach var="subject" items="${subjects.rows}">

        <option value="${subject.id}">${subject.name}</option>


                            </select><input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />


Note I don.t have a web.xml mine is instead sun-web.xml if that affects anything... let me know what else you need to know

You need to add "JSTL" library in your project.

Where can I get the library?

how can you configuration the web.xml?

Where can I get the library?

You can get it from here

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