The code:

<link href="css/main_stylesnew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <TD COLSPAN=2 background ="images/207_13.gif" WIDTH=53 HEIGHT=335 ALT="">
  <TD COLSPAN=5 align="center" valign="top" class="smallheader">

        <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
  new google.translate.TranslateElement({
    pageLanguage: 'ro',
    includedLanguages: 'en,it,es',
    layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE
  }, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script src="//"></script>
       Afisare Oferte Munca
        <hr />
        <br />
        <table width="414" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
            <td width="19"><strong>Nr.</strong></td>
            <td width="77"><strong>Specialitate</strong></td>
            <td width="64"><strong>Compania</strong></td>
            <td width="64"><strong>Localitate</strong></td>
            <td width="128"><strong>Data introducerii</strong></td>
          $sql="select * from oferte_munca where specialitate like '%".$_GET['search']."%' or localitate like '%".$_GET['search']."%' or iuser like '%".$_GET['search']."%' or tara like '%".$_GET['search']"%'order by date1";
            print"<td bgcolor=".$bgcolor."><a href=oferte.php?num=".$i."&search=".$search.">".$i."</a></td>";
            print"<td bgcolor=".$bgcolor."><a href=oferte.php?num=".$i."&search=".$search.">".$row['specialitate']."</a></td>";
            print"<td bgcolor=".$bgcolor."><a href=oferte.php?num=".$i.">".$row['iuser']."</a></td>";
            print"<td bgcolor=".$bgcolor.">".$row['localitate']."</td>";
             print"<td bgcolor=".$bgcolor.">".$row['tara']."</td>";
            print"<td bgcolor=".$bgcolor."><a href=oferte.php?num=".$i.">".$row['date1']."</a></td>";
    </table>  </TD>



Post your code with code tags and mention the line no that you get the error.
This will help us to identify the problem easily.

The line 36 is this one that is indicated as the parse error line:
<?php $sql="select * from oferte_munca where specialitate like '%".$_GET."%' or localitate like '%".$_GET."%' or iuser like '%".$_GET."%' or tara like '%".$_GET"%'order by date1";
$result=mysql_query($sql);... ?>

Replace your line 36 with this

$sql="select * from oferte_munca where specialitate like '%".$_GET['search']."%' or localitate like '%".$_GET['search']."%' or iuser like '%".$_GET['search']."%' or tara like '%".$_GET['search']."%' order by date1";

Yo have missed '.' in tara like '%".$_GET."%' order by date1";

please use code tags to post your code and mark as solved if your problem solved.

Ok it solved the problem thank u so much for your support.

If this thread has been successfully resolved, please Mark this Thread as Solved

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