
I'm trying to populate a form with information from a database based on a textbox entry.
However, when I begin to key in the textbox I receive "undefined" in each textbox throughout the form.
Can someone take a look at my code for any errors? It also appears that my $_GET is not working properly.

var url = "job_setup.php";
			function getjobinfo() {
			var jobid = document.getElementById("job_number").value;
			var queryString = "?jobid=" + jobid;
			http.open("GET", url + queryString, true);
			http.onreadystatechange = handleHttpResponse;

			function handleHttpResponse() {
			if (http.readyState == 4) {
			 results = http.responseText.split(",");
			   document.getElementById('discount_pcnt').value = results[0];
			   document.getElementById('client_discount').value = results[1];
			   document.getElementById('davis_bacon').value = results[2];
			   document.getElementById('bond').value = results[3];
			   document.getElementById('retainage_pcnt').value = results[4];
			   document.getElementById('retainage').value = results[5];
			   document.getElementById('repro_pcnt').value = results[6];
			   document.getElementById('repro').value = results[7];
			   document.getElementById('act_tax_exempt').value = results[8];
			   document.getElementById('po_con').value = results[9];
			   document.getElementById('con_date').value = results[10];
			   document.getElementById('con_amt').value = results[11];
			   document.getElementById('fax_num').value = results[12];
			   document.getElementById('send_inv').value = results[13];
			   document.getElementById('con_email').value = results[14];
			   document.getElementById('zip2').value = results[15];
			   document.getElementById('city2').value = results[16];
			   document.getElementById('street2').value = results[17];
			   document.getElementById('act_job_type').value = results[18];
			   document.getElementById('act_job_status').value = results[19];
			   document.getElementById('tax').value = results[20];
			   document.getElementById('pc').value = results[21];
			   document.getElementById('pa').value = results[22];
			   document.getElementById('pm').value = results[23];
			   document.getElementById('opp_owner').value = results[24];
			   document.getElementById('prop_author').value = results[25];
			   document.getElementById('dm').value = results[26];
			   document.getElementById('client_phone').value = results[27];
			   document.getElementById('client_pm').value = results[28];
			   document.getElementById('zip').value = results[29];
			   document.getElementById('city').value = results[30];
			   document.getElementById('street').value = results[31];
			   document.getElementById('prop_rate').value = results[32];
			   document.getElementById('prob').value = results[33];
			   document.getElementById('customer').value = results[34];
			   document.getElementById('bid_date').value = results[35];
			   document.getElementById('comp_date').value = results[36];
			   document.getElementById('job_number').value = results[37];
			 function getHTTPObject() {
			        var xmlhttp;
			         @if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
			          try {
			              xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
			              } catch (e) {
			              try {
			                  xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			                  } catch (E) {
			                  xmlhttp = false;
			          xmlhttp = false;
			         @end @*/
			        if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
			         try {
			           xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
			           } catch (e) {
			           xmlhttp = false;
			          return xmlhttp;
			var http = getHTTPObject(); // We create the HTTP Object

and here is my php:

//Include files
include $GLOBALS['include_path']."support.functions.php";

$_GET['jobid'] = $job_id;

	$result = get_job_setup_info($job_id);
	foreach ($result as $myrow){
				//Client Billing Information
				$client_dscnt = $myrow['client_dscnt'];
				$discount = $myrow['discount'];
				$davis_bacon = $myrow['davis_bacon'];
				$bond_cd = $myrow['bonded'];
				$tax = $myrow['tax'];
				$repro = $myrow['repro'];
				$repro_pcnt = $myrow['repro_pcnt'];
				$retainage = $myrow['retain'];
				$retainage_pcnt = $myrow['retain_pcnt'];
				$invoice = $myrow['invoice'];
				$email = $myrow['email'];
				$fax = $myrow['fax_num'];
				$street2 = $myrow['street_2'];
				$city2 = $myrow['city_2'];
				$zipcode2 = $myrow['zipcode_2'];
	   			$contract_id = $myrow['contract_id'];
	   			$contract_amt = $myrow['contract_amt'];
	   			$contract_date = $myrow['contract_date'];
	   			$act_job_status = $myrow['job_status'];
	   			$act_job_type = $myrow['job_type'];
	   			//Client Information
				$opp_owner = $myrow['opp_owner'];
				$dm_id = $myrow['salesperson'];
				$prop_author = $myrow['prop_author'];
	   			$pm_id = $myrow['project_manager'];
	   			$pa_id = $myrow['project_admin'];
	   			$pc_id = $myrow['project_controller'];
	   			$tax_id = $myrow['tax_local'];
				$street = $myrow['street'];
				$city = $myrow['city'];
				$zipcode = $myrow['zipcode'];
	   			$client_pm = $myrow['client_pm'];
	   			$client_num = $myrow['client_num'];
	   			//Job Information
	   			$job_status = $myrow['job_stat_cd'];
	   			$job_type = $myrow['jt_cd'];
				$rate = $myrow['rate'];
				$prob = $myrow['prob'];
				$cus_id = $myrow['CUS_NAME'];
	   			$bid_date = $myrow['job_stat_cd'];
	   			$comp_date = $myrow['jt_cd'];
	  			$job_id = $myrow['JOB_ID'];
	  			$textout .= $client_dscnt.",".$discount.",".$davis_bacon.",".$bond_cd.",".$tax.",".$repro.",".$repro_pcnt.",".$retainage.",".$retainage_pcnt.",".$invoice.",".$email.",
	echo $textout;


Assuming the php delivers what is expected, try http.responseHTML instead of http.responseText , ie.:

results = http.responseHTML.split(",");

By the way, you could avoid the cumbersome string-building in php by making $textout an array, pushing the data elements onto it in turn, then echoing implode(",", $textout); . This avoids the need for 37 individual variables, which exist only to build the output string. See implode.

You can get even smarter with json encoding.


Ok, thanks. I'll give that a try.

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