hi have the next code

$search="ala salsa portocala nueve vacas";
$where="texto ala salsa nueve texto portocala verde nueve";
$search = explode(" ",$search);
$old_kw = array($search['0'], $search['1'], $search['2'], $search['3']);
$new_kw = array('<b>'.$search['0'].'</b>', '<b>'.$search['1'].'</b>', '<b>'.$search['2'].'</b>', '<b>'.$search['3'].'</b>');
$where = str_replace($old_kw, $new_kw, $where);
echo $where;

because i just started to learn php there are some things wich i don't understand very well.

my problem is the $search because the number of elements in array can vary.
in the case there are more than 4 elements everything but my problem came when i have 1-3 elements in array because i get a notice with "Notice: Undefined index: 2 or 3 etc... "

how could make $old_kw to be created in function of count($search)
so if the count($search) is 10...
$old_kw to be array($search etc etc $search and not defined by me manualy


Hello yli!

Are you trying to replace values or strings? In your example, you're using str_replace() which gives us interesting results. For instance: "portocala" becomes "portoc<b>ala</b>"

For THIS example, I'll assume that's what you're expecting! :)

You can replace your new_kw/old_kw logic with a simple loop, which will loop through that array, no matter how many elements there are:


$search = "ala salsa portocala nueve vacas";
$where  = "texto ala salsa nueve texto portocala verde nueve";

$old_kw = explode(" ",$search);

foreach ($old_kw as $key => $value) {
   $new_kw[$key] = "<b>$value</b>";

$where  = str_replace($old_kw, $new_kw, $where);

echo "$where\n";


I get the following output, which is identical to what I was getting from the original script:

texto <b>ala</b> <b>salsa</b> <b>nueve</b> texto portoc<b>ala</b> verde <b>nueve</b>

I hope this helps! Let us know if this isn't what you were looking for, and we'll see what we can do :)

Member Avatar for diafol
  function strong($n){
	return "<strong>$n</strong>";  
  	$search="ala salsa portocala nueve vacas";
	$where="texto ala salsa nueve texto portocala verde nueve";
	$search_r = array_unique(explode(" ",$search));
  	$where_r = array_unique(explode(" ",$where));
  	$common = array_intersect($search_r,$where_r);
	$output = str_replace($common,array_map("strong",$common),$where);
   echo $output;



texto <strong>ala</strong> <strong>salsa</strong> <strong>nueve</strong> texto portoc<strong>ala</strong> verde <strong>nueve</strong>

Note that this changes ala at the end of portocala as well - if you don't want this, perhaps use preg_replace() and regex using "/\b...\b/"

hi. all thanks to both.
i tried to make something like gromit but something went wrong and did not worked. but this is fine. this serve me to lear what i made wrong.

and about ardav also is nice. i just learned something new. i will study this array_intersect and array_unique to see what they do.

thanks again

Glad we could help! ardav's solution is definitely more elegant :)
My goal was to stay as true to your original script as possible.

Thanks for the feedback, and good luck!

Member Avatar for diafol

Thanks gromit, we'll slap each other's backs again. I thought yours was simpler and easier to understand. Sorry I was working on it while you posted, otherwise I probably wouldn't have bothered. It would be interesting to see, which was quickest. I know loops take time, but so do array functions.


@yli. if you think this is solved, mark it so with the link below.

in my case i used the gromit solution because used in my script it take me only 3 lines.

Member Avatar for diafol

Fair one...
Forcing my code into 3 lines:

function strong($n){return "<strong>$n</strong>";}
$common = array_intersect(array_unique(explode(" ",$search)),array_unique(explode(" ",$where)));
echo str_replace($common,array_map("strong",$common),$where);


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