
I have a problem adding the values of an array into a mysql database. The thing is
I have two loops and if I add the INSERT in one of the then the other one gives the wrong value. But if I echo inside each loop it gives the right values.

Here is my code:

Form page:

<form action="student_assignment_submit.php" method="post"
									name="details" enctype="multipart/form-data"
									onsubmit="javascript: return checkPass();"><?php
									//echo $row['course_outline_uid_fk'];

									$sql = "SELECT * FROM live_course WHERE uid = {$_REQUEST['course']}";
									$results = mysql_db_query($dbName,$sql,$connect);
									//								if (mysql_num_rows($results) != 0){
									$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);

									//echo $row['course_outline_uid_fk'];

									$countquestion = 0;
									$ass_sql = "SELECT * FROM assignment_questions WHERE course_uid = {$row['course_outline_uid_fk']}";
									$ass_results = mysql_db_query($dbName,$ass_sql,$connect);
									//if (mysql_num_rows($results) != 0){
									while ($row_ass = mysql_fetch_assoc($ass_results)) {
										echo $row_ass['uid'];
										?> <input type="hidden" name="course_id[]"
									value="<?=$row['course_outline_uid_fk']?>" /> <input
									type="hidden" name="student_id[]" value="<?=$uid?>" /> <input
									type="hidden" name="question_id[]" value="<?=$row_ass['uid']?>" />

									<tr bgcolor="#c3c3c3">
										<td class="style6">Question <?=$countquestion?></td>
										<td><?= $row_ass['question']?></td>

										if ($row_ass['answer1'] == '') {

											echo '';


											<li type="a"><input type="radio"
												name="answer[<?=$countquestion?>]" value="answer1" /> <?=$row_ass['answer1']?></li>

												<?php }?>


												if ($row_ass['answer2'] == '') {

													echo '';




											<li type="a"><input type="radio"
												name="answer[<?=$countquestion?>]" value="answer2" /> <?=$row_ass['answer2']?></li>

												<?php }?>


												if ($row_ass['answer3'] == '') {

													echo '';




											<li type="a"><input type="radio"
												name="answer[<?=$countquestion?>]" value="answer3" /> <?=$row_ass['answer3']?></li>

												<?php }?>


												if ($row_ass['answer4'] == '') {

													echo '';



											<li type="a"><input type="radio"
												name="answer[<?=$countquestion?>]" value="answer4" /><?=$row_ass['answer4']?></li>
												<?php }?>


								<?php }?>

										<td align="center" colspan="3"><br />

										<input type="image" src="images/submit.png" alt="Save"
											onclick="return checkform(details)" /></td>

Submit page:

// require_once("student_session.inc.php");

	$answer = $_POST[answer][$d];

	//echo $answer;

	$ids = $_REQUEST['question_id'];

	foreach ($ids as $value) {
		//echo $value;

		$sql = "INSERT INTO student_score(answer) VALUES ('$answer')";
		$results = mysql_db_query($dbName,$sql,$connect);

if (!$results) {
	$_SESSION['msg'] = "Could not save information, Please try again";

$_SESSION['msg'] = "Question successfully created";


If someone can please help me, It would be really nice.

clean up your code so it can be read w/o problems and I'll take a look.
found one error before I got tired of trying to read.

onsubmit="javascript: return checkPass();"> << you dont need the javascript: part just onsubmit="return checkPass();" and that should return either true or false (for submitting the form)

Align your code properly.It is very difficult to read.

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