hi, i have a site built in CI and i have integrated a js/jq image slider into the index page. i linked all the files to the correct places but for some reason the js isnt working?

some of the fonts in the slider are controled by js files, and they are displaying correctly, so i know the files are linked ok, but for some reason its not grabbing the code to control the slider.

does anyone have experience with js and ci? im not sure if its something to do with the file structure used in ci?
is there somethin i need to be adding in any config files to make js work in ci?

i also tried nivo slider and had similar results. and ive had no luck at all finding a slider built for use in ci....its driving me crazy :(

any help is much appreciated, thanks.

Looks to me like JS or file path problem. CodeIgniter uses the real directories/files if they exist otherwise it's up to the router.

one of my other js files was conflicting. i just had to move the position where the file was called!

hello will you suggest me where from you download this one and how to use a image slider with codeigniter

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