I keep getting an unexpected$end parse error on line 32, but that line doesn't exist. I can't seem to find what is causing the problem. This is driving me crazy.

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN"> 
       <title>Your Output</title>
      <h1>Your Output</h1>


  $basicText = $_REQUEST["basicText"];
  $borderSize = $_REQUEST["borderSize"];
  $borderStyle = $_REQUEST["borderStyle"];
  $sizeType = $_REQUEST["sizeType"];
 $theStyle = <<<HERE
  border-color: green;"

  print "<div style = $theStyle>";
  print $basicText;

Hi, trying this code

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN"> 
       <title>Your Output</title>
      <h1>Your Output</h1>
<div style="text-align : center">
  $basicText = $_REQUEST["basicText"];
  $borderSize = $_REQUEST["borderSize"];
  $borderStyle = $_REQUEST["borderStyle"];
  $sizeType = $_REQUEST["sizeType"];
 $theStyle = 
  border-color: green;"

  print "<div style = '".$theStyle."'>";
  print $basicText;

Note : please do not use <center> tag, it is deprecated.
Good luck

dear Leakbali,
you forgot the " ; " in line 18

It's better to use echo instead of print....For info about it click here

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN"> 
       <title>Your Output</title>
      <h1>Your Output</h1>
<div style="text-align : center">
  $basicText = $_REQUEST["basicText"];
  $borderSize = $_REQUEST["borderSize"];
  $borderStyle = $_REQUEST["borderStyle"];
  $sizeType = $_REQUEST["sizeType"];
 $theStyle = 
  border-color: green;";
  echo "<div style = '".$theStyle."'>";
  echo $basicText;
  echo "</span>";

Hi Nybuler, thanks for correction :)

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