
I want to delete erroneous transactions and at the same time update my account table to be in line with the transaction table.

account (account_number, name_with_initials, accoount_type,account_balance,

transaction (tran_id,account_number,transaction_type,transaction_amount,transaction_date)

First i create a page to retrieve data from the tables and then need to delete the erroneous transaction.

Here is my coding


mysql_select_db("bank",$connect) or die ("could not select database");



//getting the faulty transaction
$query = "select * from transaction WHERE account_number='$account_number'";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

//Correcting the account table
            $operator = "-";
            $operator = "+";
       $query= "UPDATE account SET `account_balance`=(`account_balance`".$operator.('transaction_amount').") WHERE account_number='$account_number'";
      mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

//deleting the faulty transaction
$query = "DELETE from transaction WHERE account_number='$account_number'";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());


There is an error message displays as

Unknown column 'transaction_amount' in 'field list'

It is because this field does not belong to account table. It is in the transaction table. But i could not find a solution to overcome the problem.Can anyone help me out..

From what I understand account_name is a primary key in account and a foreign key in transaction, therefore just because you delete a record in transaction doesn't mean a record in account most be updated. But when you delete a record in account, transaction has to be updated.

Member Avatar for diafol

EEK! stop.

DELETE from transaction WHERE account_number='$account_number'

This will not just delete the faulty transaction, it will delete ALL transactions for that account.

I can't see what the heck you're trying to do here.

$query = "select * from transaction WHERE account_number='$account_number'";

Why are you selecting all transactions? You don't do anything with it. tran_id is initialised as ''?

Your error is coming from the SQL statement.

UPDATE account SET `account_balance`=(`account_balance`".$operator.('transaction_amount').") WHERE account_number='$account_number'

Where transaction_amount is not a field in account. You need to extract that 'amount' from the transactions table and place it in a variable before using it in this SQL.

commented: thanks for the explanation +4
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