
Any body please help me out:

[B]  while loop


Values are not at all getting add up. why ? thanks in advance

You need session, otherwise the array will become empty after each loop. This should work:

    while loop
       $blnk = ($_SESSION['numRows'] == NULL) array() : $_SESSION['numRows'];
       if($_SESSION['numRows'] == NULL) { $_SESSION['numRows'] = $blnk; } # start session
    $blnkarraysum = $blnk;

this doesn't appear to have anything to do with sessions. you need to initialize $blnk array outside your loop. otherwise you are constantly overwriting what is held in $blnk every time you pass over it in the while loop.

while loop



You're right. I had just woken up, when I wrote my post, and thinking for some strange reason to a form increasing a value o_o'

Pardon for bad suggestion.

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