Dear All,
I have function where I read from a mysql table a set of value. Part of my codes is like this. The problem why I need to use fully php here is this a ajax called page.

echo "<tr id='gridRow'>
 <td >$count</td>
 <td> <input type='checkbox' onClick=selectAndUpdate('$row1[size]')></td>
 <td> {$row1[SerialNo]}</td> 
 <td> {$row1[InHouseBranding]}</td> 
 <td> {$row1[BrandCode]}</td> 
 <td> {$row1[size]}</td> 
 <td> {$row1[Pattern]}</td>  
 <td> {$row1[EntryStatus]}</td>   

A sample row generated is as below can you notice this line <input type="checkbox" 22.567')="" onclick="selectAndUpdate('21060R"> why the same value appear properly in the <td> 21060R 22.567</td> but in the previous line is showing me like this 22.567')="" onclick="selectAndUpdate('21060R"> any idea?

<tr id="gridRow">
<input type="checkbox" 22.567')="" onclick="selectAndUpdate('21060R">
<td> EA12</td>
<td> BOR1</td>
<td> GY</td>
<td> 21060R 22.567</td>
<td> HMG 2020</td>
<td> New</td>

Any quotes stored with the value in the Db by any chance?

Dear Brilig,
No quote but got space or /. Thank you.

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