Hi, i am using the youtube api on my site to subscribe users to my youtube channel. currently, they would have to clink on a link to get authenticated and grant access to our application.
from our youtube channel, there is a link that take them back to our page, so i am looking for a way to find out they are already logged into youtube when they get to my page and if so what is their youtube username?

i am currently looking at google openId, but that seems only able to let them log into my site with their google account, which i dont want, but i only need a way to find out if they were logged into youtube when they clicked that link.

Any ideas?

i belive its the same thing because youtube allows you to login with your google account i would see if they have sessions or youtube cookie name to try to get the data you want

i belive its the same thing because youtube allows you to login with your google account i would see if they have sessions or youtube cookie name to try to get the data you want

yeah youtube lets you login with your google account because they are one comapny. but there are several sites that let me login with my facebook account although the site it self has no affiliation with facebook e.g: meetup.com. so when im logged into facebook and go to meetup.com in a new tab, meetup.com finds out that im already logged into facebook and then automatically signs me in without me having to manually log in.
the functionality im looking for without giving the users the ability to log into my website with youtube/google is just to know if they are logged into youtube when they browse to my site so that i can have their youtube username.
i am just trying to cut a step for the user by not having them enter their youtube username.
So the flow goes like this: the user comes to my youtube channel and subscribes to my youtube channel. for subscribing they receive points on my website. so there is a link on the channel page that takes the user back to my website to redeem the points if they have already subscribed to the channel. now on my website, i would need to know if they actually subscribed to my channel so i need the youtube username. if they are not logged in to youtube i would use the youtube api to get them authenticated.
but if they are already logged in, i would like to save them this step.

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