plz explain complete step by step procedure to insert update and delete for asp.net2008 with c# and in built sql server.
plz tell me where to make object & class.
I am confused.

plz explain complete step by step procedure to insert update and delete for asp.net2008 with c# and in built sql server.
plz tell me where to make object & class.
I am confused.

Hi Rajendra,

Always split application, logic, database interaction in different layers for e.g. 3-tier architecture(Presentation - Data Access Layer - Database). So that it is easily maintainable in future.

If you are familiar with C#, you can
> First create a basic layout of ASP.NET application i.e. Design. Be sure what you want on what event.
> Create a database containing your tables, stored procedures and functions if any
> Create a new class library project containing Data Access Logic. In *.cs file you can write C# code.. You can add new item by right click on project and then choose add new item and select Code File.
> Add reference of DAL to ASP.NET application

Syntax: (Insert using query)

public static void insertRecordinDatabase(string query)


            if (establishConnection())


                if (con != null)




                        cmd = con.CreateCommand();                 //Create an object of sqlcommand class.

                        cmd.CommandText = query;                  //Pass command text to SqlCommand object.

                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;      //Tell command type to text.

                        int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();       //Return an integer value after executing query which represents number of row affected by query.

                        if (rows > 0)

                            Console.WriteLine("Number of rows affected by query  :  {0}", rows);


                            Console.WriteLine("No rows affected by your query.");




                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid query.");




                        if (con != null)






If you want to insert, update delete using SQLDataSource:

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