This is pretty basic guys but i really dont know how to do this.


i have to panels on my webpage.

what i need to do is i need to hide panel..

i have this

<script runat = "server">
        private void hidepanel()
            pnl_Add.Visible = true;
            pnl_List.Visible = false;

if i click the name, it will hide the panel(the panel which have this code)

<a href="#" onclick ='hidepanel()'><%# Eval("First_name") %> <%# Eval("Last_name") %></a>

i just started only yesterday. hope you can help me!

thanks guys!!

Member Avatar for stbuchok

Can you show the code for the panels as well? Also what scripting language are you using? It doesn't look like javascript, yet you have a clientside event?

First of all, if you want to trigger a server side method, I will use a LinkButton Control instead of <a> tag.

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkBtn" runat="server" Text="Hide Panel" OnClick="hidepanel"></asp:LinkButton>

Now in your c# code

protected void hidepanel(object sender, EventArgs e)
   pnl_Add.Visible = true;
   pnl_List.Visible = false;

if you want client side then is a little bit different.

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