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i have this code here (simplified it a bit for this but you get the idea!) and i have assigned the name field of a select tag with a value of a variable so that when i click the Update button i can use _POST[name_var] to get the value of the select. however this returns the following error:

"Notice: Undefined index: 62"

if i manually put 62 in the name field and in the _POST[62] it does work so there is no problem with the rest of my code.

if anyone could tell me what i need to do to make this work i would be greatly appreciative!

Thanks in advance

//role.php file
$name_var = 62;

echo '<form method="POST" action="update_role.php">';

echo '<select id="dropdown" name=$name_var>';
//option tags in here...
echo '</select>';

echo '<input type="submit" name="btn_update" id="button" value="Update" />';
echo '</form>';

//update_role.php file
$name_var = 62;
$getVar = _POST[$name_var];

Some typos:

//role.php file
$name_var = 62;

echo '<form method="POST" action="update_role.php">';

echo "<select id=\"dropdown\" name=\"$name_var\">"; // WRONG QUOTING HERE
//option tags in here...
echo '</select>';

echo '<input type="submit" name="btn_update" id="button" value="Update" />';
echo '</form>';

//update_role.php file
$name_var = 62;
$getVar = $_POST[$name_var]; // FORGOT THE DOLLAR SIGN
commented: Really good! Helpful and quick!! :D +1
Member Avatar for geekman92

Yessss that works! XD Thanks alot for your help and replying so quickly!! A+++

why are you putting everything under php codes,
my bro,..


$name_var = 62;

<form action="update_role.php" method="post" >

<select id="dropdown" name="<?php echo $name_var ; ?> " >

<input type="submit" name="btn_update" id="button" value="Update" />

//update_role.php file
$name_var = 62;
$getVar = $_POST[$name_var];

this will work too,..
remember, you can embed php code in html, so there is enough flexibility..!!

Member Avatar for geekman92

argh okay thats good to know too! thanks for the help!! :D

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