I am trying to write XML using SimpleXML for a web service call. I was having success until the XML got a little more complicated. Here is the XML format where I am running into problems:
<Person Last='Smith' First='John'>
<Addresses />
<Phone Type='1' Number='888-555-1212'>
Here is my php:
$xmlOutput = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0"?><ReportRequest> </ReportRequest>');
$reportType = $xmlOutput->addChild('ReportType');
$locations = $xmlOutput->addChild('Locations')->addChild('Addresses')->addChild('Address');
$locations->addAttribute('Line1','123 Main St');
$locations->addAttribute('Line2','Suite 201');
$agent = $xmlOutput->addChild('Agent')->addChild('Person')->addChild('Addresses')->addChild('PhoneNumbers')->addChild('Phone');
Header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $xmlOutput->asXML();
Everything outputs as it should until the line that starts with $agent. I want the output to match the section above. I have tried several variations but I cannot seem to figure it out. I know the current PHP sample doesn't work. Help??
Thanks in advance,