Dear all ,

I want to learn ASP.Net , How i can learn that( I am new to this ) , If any links for learning send my mail [snipped]...............



I think books are much better than online tutorials. If you afford the cash look on ebay or amazon for some of the MCP or MACD exam books for .Net. They are used to study for the MCP exams obviously and they are very good are getting you beyond the basics.
You'll never find a tutorial that goes beyond teaching you one particular .net technique. The scope is too big.

@hericles- Thanks for your reply.........

Anybody tell me the books name and author for learning Asp.Net from the beginning stage(I know only the Php and SQL server ) ............
If any links for getting the book kindly post it .........



It depends on the language you want to specialize in(C# or VB.NET).Just get on amazon .com you'll find all the books you want. good luck.

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