I have created many websites using only classic php and functions
But now I decided to learn classes, I understood how it works but haven't used it yet.
I have phpcake tutorials, but don't know if it is good to learn it or it is not a good idea or it not for professionals ...

Please give me more idea about phpcake and if I should learn it, so I will understand more how we use classes in big projects and cms ?

Does professional programmers use a framework or code every thing by themselves ?

Thank you,

Framework , it promotes a RAD(Rapid Application Development) model for development and can make things go alot faster. I really like using wordpress, and have done a little with joomla. Cake, I've looked at but it was a little complicated for me at first with the controller classes etc. Why reinvent the wheel when there are tons of wheels to build upon and modify. Eventually if those old wheels will be better than any custom built wheel one man can build them selfs. Teams are better than 1.

Thank you @skraps,
mm I don't want to use wordpress, cuz I think it's limited and dunno I just don't like to use it, in fact, I want to create a software or a customized cms but very advanced and I think doing this using classic php, will be very complicated with all variables and repetition etc... WordPress has his own "limited" cms ...
Now after I learned classes (still beginner in it), I decided to go into huge projects like a creating an online music store or photo gallery or video gallery etc ...
The problem is, am not able to create this with my own code using classes, so i am searching for help of an experienced who could tell me if framework (like phpcake) is a good way to learn how professionals works, or i will use it as a separate language like an idiot and learn nothing of it ...

Hope I have cleared my question Thank you

I'd always say write it yourself it forces you to understand how things work, soon as you jump into something like joomla, wordpress or phpcake things go out of your control and you skip understanding things unless it doesn't work then need to study and understand the code someone else has written - which could change and update at any time. They can be very time saving though, there is alot of pre-written code available that will save time and can usually bolt on addons like skins that other users have made.

Experienced developers just use what they like and get the job done people all have their own quirks, afterall how did they get experienced? I just dived in head first with all my bad code and learnt along the way how to do things much more efficiently - I can look back at stuff i did 2 years ago and laugh - no doubt in another 2 years I'll do the same. All a cms is, is a php page that pulls data from mysql and puts it on the page based on the id then a admin page where the admin can edit the page content & layout. you then create a field for each setting you want which the admin can change. WordPress and such is just that concept being taken quite advanced

$Q = "select `pagecontent` from `cms` where `id` = 1";
$R = mysql_query($Q);
$A = mysql_fetch_assoc($R);

echo '<html><head>';
echo pageHeaders($title,$desc,$keywords);
echo '</head><body>';
echo $header;
echo $A['pagecontent'];
echo $footer;
echo '</body></html>';
Member Avatar for diafol

Frameworks have always had me in stitches. They say 'easy' for beginners and pros, and such nonsense. I've always found them cumbersome and you need a considerable amount of time to get into the documentation. However, some swear by them and development should be a breeze once you get to grips with the constructs.

There are many other frameworks out there, may be an idea to have a look at a few before you decide to plunge in or decide that it's too intimidating.

I spent a little more than 6 months on learning how to bake the Cake, because it was the hype in our family dining table. Four of my older brothers are all programmers working for the big Companies here in California the G, PP, and the eB. Then all of the sudden that mood had changed and everyone are going for the Zend framework. I tried to learned it, but it is taking most of my time just to get familiarize with the framework's lingo.

After learning some of the few tricks, I came to realize that what I have learned does not even apply to what I am trying to make. It is just like putting a piece of pitted olive in a 10 quart can. Big framework and small application don't matched pretty well. Learning frameworks will help a lot if you will be applying for jobs, and most importantly having the Zend certificate can give a better chance of being hired for the job.

After many sleepless nights learning these frameworks, I finally settled in for much simpler approach. I am currently using NetBeans IDE an integrated tools for PHP with smarty plugins, and a reliable msyql class. That's should suffice to whatever what I have to invent script wise :).

Thank you all, I am now afraid of frameworks :P
mm so ... when I finish learning classes for 100% I'll take a look at Zend cuz @veedeoo talked about =).
My goal is to discover languages more and more and make huge projects, I just don't want to be hired now and stop learning new things ...
Btw in feb I'll start my first year of university Computer Science, Hope I'll learn all these and I don't want to learn c++ :( ahhhhhh

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I'm just an ethusiastic hobbyist, not a pro, so I'm totally self-taught. My experience has been chaotic learning (my interests) as opposed to formal structured learning (Uni), so I've picked up loads of experience in largely useless stuff and remain totally ignorant in major fields of study. For example, I've only just started dipping my toes into OOP - it was on my list of things to do, but I kept on putting it off. I reckon, if I'd taken the plunge earlier, frameworks would not be the big scary thingamabob that they seem to me now. So, if you understand OOP, you should be fine -if you don't, I suggest you get down with the basic of OOP - invaluable stuff.

No am ok, am I understood it, but with more tutorials for advanced steps I think i'll touch the pro ...
Good luck for all of you,
Best regards

OOP really isn't that scary. Basically grouping variables and functions together and calling it a object. I'm not a pro and just getting into it but its alot easier and less daunting than it was earlier.

I'm a hobbyist-gone-pro, and I can share some of the feelings of intimidation when it comes to learning concepts like OOP, MVC, and new frameworks.

I'd advocate for the approach where you do it yourself (at least the first time), especially with an MVC approach. It's incredibly valuable to be able to understand how classes and methods work, and for me, the best way to do that was to do it without a framework. It helped me learn the basics by building off my existing knowledge.

Once I had that under my belt, I went ahead and started learning how to use some of the frameworks. I'm glad I did because it really does speed up development in many cases. As always, pick the best tool for the job, but considering a framework as a potential tool can be very helpful.

If you're new to the whole framework thing, I'd suggest starting with CodeIgniter. It's a lot like CakePHP, but much more flexible when it comes to doing things that aren't strictly "The Framework Way". Don't get me wrong- Cake is good too, but I think as a beginner's framework (and a pro's), CodeIgniter is definitely the way to go.

skraps yeah ur right =)
good luck for you and me ;)

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