How 1000 10,000 1,00,000 number converting in php?

i mean splitting numbers like
100 1000 10000 100000
100 1,000 10,000 1,00,000
with ' , ' thousand, lack, crores...

Wow.. That's a big number.. I think You should have a look at PHP site that is posted up there.. .

ok finaly i got the code

function no_to_words($no){   
 $words = array('0'=> '' ,'1'=> 'one' ,'2'=> 'two' ,'3' => 'three','4' => 'four','5' => 'five','6' => 'six','7' => 'seven','8' => 'eight','9' => 'nine','10' => 'ten','11' => 'eleven','12' => 'twelve','13' => 'thirteen','14' => 'fouteen','15' => 'fifteen','16' => 'sixteen','17' => 'seventeen','18' => 'eighteen','19' => 'nineteen','20' => 'twenty','30' => 'thirty','40' => 'fourty','50' => 'fifty','60' => 'sixty','70' => 'seventy','80' => 'eighty','90' => 'ninty','100' => 'hundred &','1000' => 'thousand','100000' => 'lakh','10000000' => 'crore');
    if($no == 0)
        return ' ';
    else {
            while($no>=100)    {
                if(($value <= $no) &&($no  < $value1))    {
                $highno = (int)($no/$value);
                $remainno = $no % $value;
                $value= $value1;
                $value1 = $value * 100;
              return $words["$highno"]." ".$novalue." ".no_to_words($remainno);
          else {
             $ten =(int)($highno/10)*10;            
             return $words["$ten"]." ".$words["$unit"]." ".$novalue." ".no_to_words($remainno);

$org_num = "5255255";
echo "<br>org: ".$org_num; 
echo "<br>number_format: ".number_format($org_num) . '<br /> in words: ' .no_to_words($org_num);
Member Avatar for diafol

i got that. thanks for the repley i just post here for code example. r u tried that? have any idea

What does this mean? You mean that you're already aware of this, but just wanted to make somebody write code for you anyway?

You've been given a link that contains examples, so I'd say you're all solved.

commented: Better count to 1,000,000,000 ;) +14
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