i have created a vs 2008 solution that contain 3 projects i.e.

1. BLL

2. DAL

3. GUI (Website)

Language used C#

I have add references & connect it through vs 2008 inbuilt sql server & it is working fine on

localhost but when i upload it on internet it is giving error in web.config file i.e. customerrors.

Plz suggest some solution or there is a different way to do it.


You question is not complete. First, what connection string you are giving when deploying your site on server? Is it same on local? Turn on custom error mode in web.config and see the exact error.

<customErrors mode="on"/>

Hi Vishul,
The connection string used may represent your database in the local system, So there would be an error.
Better use the Datadictionary to represent the path of the Database

    <add name="systemLoginDB" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|loginDetails.mdb;Persist Security Info=True"/>


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