hey guys, does anybody has the sample of, how to insert smiley/icon in the message board (php or javascript)

i have the simple one:

//character typed
	$typed_chars = array('X(', '8)', 'oO');
	$icon_set = array("<img src=\"../smiley/smiley 1/fire24.png\">", "<img src=\"../smiley/smiley 1/icon_cool24.png\">", "<img src=\"../smiley/smiley 1/startle24.png\">");
	$message = str_replace($typed_chars, $icon_set, $message);

I want to make it easier to user, they just click on the smiley and it will show in textarea. Like http://www.daniweb.com message area with the smiley drop-down


Member Avatar for diafol

You'll need a wysiwyg editor for that

how? can you share the link of tutorial?

Member Avatar for diafol

Did you google wysiwyg editor? Take you pick from hundreds. Currents leaders are TinyMCE, CKeditor


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