It is supposed to list out all records of roomID 57, but the record is duplicate.

require '../../source/';

<?php require_once('../../config/conn.php'); 
$sql="SELECT * FROM roomBooking where roomID = '$roomID'";
$row_rs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
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    <article class="blogPost">
     <?php do { ?>
    <h2>房間: <?php echo $roomID ?></h2>
    <p>日期: <?php echo $bookingDate ?></p>
    <p>開始時間: <?php echo $startTime ?></p>
    <p>結束時間: <?php echo $endTime ?></p>
    <p>使用房間人數: <?php echo $numberOfPeople ?></p>
    <p><?php //printf('<a href="del_room.php?roomID=%s">取消預約</a>',$row_rs['roomID']);
    <p><?php //printf('<a href="../roomDetail.php?roomID=%s">修改</a>',$row_rs['roomID']);
    <?php }while ($row_rs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs));?>
            <h3>歡迎 : <?php echo $_SESSION["loginUsername"]; ?></h3>
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    <p>Copyright © 2010-2011 長洲浸信會,Cheung Chau Baptist Church 版權所有</p>

roomID 57 is twice in the table, for different roomBookingID.

Perhaps the error lies in your roomDetail.php, you pass it only the roomID, so it does not know which roomBookingID you mean.

If that's not it, try to explain a little better (I can't read your pictures), and please use code tags.

roomID 57 is twice in the table, for different roomBookingID.

Perhaps the error lies in your roomDetail.php, you pass it only the roomID, so it does not know which roomBookingID you mean.

If that's not it, try to explain a little better (I can't read your pictures), and please use code tags.

How to correct it?
Also, the roombookingID is not in sequential order after I deleted booking.

How to correct it ? Want me to guess... ? It all depends on what you want, and what you already have.

You can sort anyway you want.

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