Hello, i'm new in JSP, and i already install Apache Tomcat for the server, but after install it and then try it to browser and choose example there was some text like below.

HTTP Status 404 - /examples/jsp/

type Status report

message /examples/jsp/

description The requested resource (/examples/jsp/) is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.25

How to fix this?

either your application was not deployed to the tomcat server, or it was not started.
go to:

and check the list with deployed/started webapps.

As stultuske already mentioned you should check if server running.
If Tomcat installed as service it will start every time you start your pc (if not modified). If you extracted zip, you need to execute startup.bat from your "bin" directory inside of tomcat directory (can be speed up if you create CATALINA_HOME system variable)

oh i got that , thanks

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