
I am new to PHP and need a help regarding data controls in PHP.

Like grid view?


Please explain what you want. Something like this or this perhaps?

Please explain what you want. Something like this or this perhaps?

I need a data grid that must display the required fields along with delete button in one column.....and also required paging for the grid.

I hope you got it.

Already posted an almost ready solution. Try it.

Already posted an almost ready solution. Try it.

this is my code

require_once 'Database.php';
$connect =new DB;
$connect ->connect();
// *** Turn on error reporting for debug purposes.
// *** Remove for production code.
ini_set("display_errors", 1);

// *** Get list of users from the db.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM usersinfo";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

if (!$result) {

exit("QUERY ERROR: " . mysql_error());

} else {

// *** Display the user list.
$tableRow = '';

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

$user_id = $row;
$user_name = $row;
$tableRow .= "<tr> <td>$user_id</td> <td>$user_name</td> <td> <a href=\"delete_user.php?id=$user_id\"> Delete </a> </td> </tr>";


$tableHeader = "<tr> <th>USER ID</th> <th>USER NAME</th> <th>ACTION</th> </tr>";

echo("<table>$tableHeader $tableRow </table>");



How to do paging for this code?

Choose one solution and read the manual.

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