I can't figure out while the table rows and columns are not display as intended. I have tried everything I could but no solution yet. I'm new to PHP/Mysql.

What I actually wanted to see as the output is something like this:

$period_rows['period']   $class_rows['class']  $time_rows['time']
$period_rows['period']   $class_rows['class']  $time_rows['time']
$period_rows['period']   $class_rows['class']  $time_rows['time']
$period_rows['period']   $class_rows['class']  $time_rows['time']

But instead I see something like this:


Here is the PHP Code

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1px">
$days_of_week_count = 1;
            while($days_of_week_count < 6)
                $select_days_of_week = "SELECT week_dayID, week_day FROM week_day
                                        WHERE week_dayID = '".$days_of_week_count."'";
                $result_days_of_week = mysql_query($select_days_of_week) or die('Couldn\'t select from the week_day table' . mysql_error());
                while($days_of_week_rows = mysql_fetch_array($result_days_of_week))
                    $week_dayID = $days_of_week_rows['week_dayID'];
                    echo "<tr><td colspan='3'>" . $days_of_week_rows['week_day'] . "</td></tr>";
                       //Select information from period
                        $period_select = "SELECT period FROM table_period
                                           INNER JOIN table_relate
                                             ON table_period.periodID = table_relate.periodID
                                          WHERE teacherID = '".$teacherID."' AND week_dayID = '".$week_dayID."'";
                        $period_result = mysql_query($period_select) or die('Couldn\'t select from table_period ' . mysql_error());
                        while($period_rows = mysql_fetch_array($period_result))
                            echo "<tr><td>" .$period_rows['period']. "</td></tr>";
                        //Select information from class
                        $class_select = "SELECT class FROM table_class
                                           INNER JOIN table_relate
                                             ON table_class.classID = table_relate.classID
                                          WHERE teacherID = '".$teacherID."' AND week_dayID = '".$week_dayID."'";
                        $class_result = mysql_query($class_select) or die('Couldn\'t select from table_class ' . mysql_error());
                        while($class_rows = mysql_fetch_array($class_result))
                            echo "<tr><td>" .$class_rows['class']. "</td></tr>";
                        //Select information from time
                        $time_select = "SELECT time FROM table_time
                                           INNER JOIN table_relate
                                             ON table_time.timeID = table_relate.timeID
                                          WHERE teacherID = '".$teacherID."' AND week_dayID = '".$week_dayID."'";
                        $time_result = mysql_query($time_select) or die('Couldn\'t select from table_time ' . mysql_error());
                        while($time_rows = mysql_fetch_array($time_result))
                            echo "<tr><td>" .$time_rows['time']. "</td></tr>";
                $days_of_week_count = $days_of_week_count  + 1;
            echo "</table>";

and the html output code when I view source from the browser

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <title>Welcome to UPSS | Add a Teacher's Time Table</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/add_teacher_complete.css" type="text/css" />

    <div id="header">
      <div id="left_header_content">

        <p class="school_name">University Preparatory Secondary School (UPSS)</p>
        <p class="school_slogan">Knowledge & Virtue.</p>
      <div id="wrapper">
        <p class="heading">Preview Newly Added Teacher</p>

        <div id="main_content">
          <table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="2px">
                       <tr><td colspan='3'>Monday</td></tr><tr><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td></tr><tr><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>JS 1 Diamond</td></tr><tr><td>JS 1 Silver</td></tr><tr><td>JS 1 Silicon</td></tr><tr><td>JS 2 Mercury</td></tr><tr><td>8:10am - 8:55am</td></tr><tr><td>9:40am - 10:25am</td></tr><tr><td>11:10am - 11:55am</td></tr><tr><td>1:50pm - 2:30pm</td></tr><tr><td colspan='3>


Please help me point out where I'm doing it wrong

Every output you have, uses <tr></tr>, meaning a new row. You are trying to output on a per column basis, and that's not possible. You will need to change your query, so you will get your three values in each record, and then display them on a per row basis.

I have been trying to figure that out. I'm new to this and I can't quite get my head around it. Any chance you could help?

Can you make a single query that returns all three values (period, class and time) ? If not, specify your tables and how they are linked.

Heres how i would do it, i don't know your mysql table structure enough to pull the time though. Whats `table_time` and `table_relate` and how are they linked to table_period?

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1px">
function getTimetable($teacherID,$con = false){
	if(is_int($teacherID) || ctype_digit($teacherID)){
		$Q = 	"SELECT week_dayID, period FROM table_period"
				." INNER JOIN table_relate"
				." ON table_period.periodID = table_relate.periodID"
				." WHERE teacherID = '{$teacherID}'"
				//."AND week_dayID IN(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)"
				." GROUP BY week_dayID";
			$R = mysql_query($Q);
			$R = mysql_query($Q,$con);
		$periodData = array();
		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R)){
			$periodData[$row['week_dayID']][] = $row;
		$periodData = false;
	return $periodData;
$periodData = getTimetable($teacherID);
foreach($periodData as $k=>$v){
	echo "<tr>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$k}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['period']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{}</td>\r\n";
	echo "</tr>\r\n";

Please I have attached the tables in my database in this reply. All the table are related to table_relate.

Please I have attached the tables in my database in this reply. All the table are related to table_relate.

How does this work?

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1px">
function getTimetable($teacherID,$con = false){
	if(is_int($teacherID) || ctype_digit($teacherID)){
		$Q = 	"SELECT `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`, `tbl_rel`.`periodID`, `tbl_time`.`time` FROM `table_weekday` `tbl_wd`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_relate` `tbl_rel`"
				." ON `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` = `tbl_rel`.`week_dayID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_time` `tbl_time`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`timeID` = `tbl_time`.`timeID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_period` `tbl_p`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`periodID` = `tbl_p`.`periodID`"
				." WHERE `tbl_rel`.`teacherID` = '{$teacherID}'"
				//." AND `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` IN(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)"
				." GROUP BY `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`,`tbl_rel`.`periodID`";
			$R = mysql_query($Q);
			$R = mysql_query($Q,$con);
		$periodData = array();
		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R)){
			$periodData[$row['week_dayID']][] = $row;
		$periodData = false;
	return $periodData;
$periodData = getTimetable($teacherID);
foreach($periodData as $k=>$v){
	echo "<tr>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$k}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['period']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['time']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "</tr>\r\n";

I think it would be better to store the time in time format eg.

timeID, start, finish

Then you'll be able to make use of mysql's functions on dates and times.

also can't table_time just be merged into table_period?


Heres how i would do it, i don't know your mysql table structure enough to pull the time though. Whats `table_time` and `table_relate` and how are they linked to table_period?

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1px">
function getTimetable($teacherID,$con = false){
	if(is_int($teacherID) || ctype_digit($teacherID)){
		$Q = 	"SELECT week_dayID, period FROM table_period"
				." INNER JOIN table_relate"
				." ON table_period.periodID = table_relate.periodID"
				." WHERE teacherID = '{$teacherID}'"
				//."AND week_dayID IN(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)"
				." GROUP BY week_dayID";
			$R = mysql_query($Q);
			$R = mysql_query($Q,$con);
		$periodData = array();
		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R)){
			$periodData[$row['week_dayID']][] = $row;
		$periodData = false;
	return $periodData;
$periodData = getTimetable($teacherID);
foreach($periodData as $k=>$v){
	echo "<tr>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$k}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['period']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{}</td>\r\n";
	echo "</tr>\r\n";

I can't read your code very well. I'm new to php and function is there anyway you can edit my code for correction?

How does this work?

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1px">
function getTimetable($teacherID,$con = false){
	if(is_int($teacherID) || ctype_digit($teacherID)){
		$Q = 	"SELECT `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`, `tbl_rel`.`periodID`, `tbl_time`.`time` FROM `table_weekday` `tbl_wd`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_relate` `tbl_rel`"
				." ON `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` = `tbl_rel`.`week_dayID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_time` `tbl_time`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`timeID` = `tbl_time`.`timeID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_period` `tbl_p`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`periodID` = `tbl_p`.`periodID`"
				." WHERE `tbl_rel`.`teacherID` = '{$teacherID}'"
				//." AND `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` IN(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)"
				." GROUP BY `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`,`tbl_rel`.`periodID`";
			$R = mysql_query($Q);
			$R = mysql_query($Q,$con);
		$periodData = array();
		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R)){
			$periodData[$row['week_dayID']][] = $row;
		$periodData = false;
	return $periodData;
$periodData = getTimetable($teacherID);
foreach($periodData as $k=>$v){
	echo "<tr>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$k}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['period']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['time']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "</tr>\r\n";

I think it would be better to store the time in time format eg.

timeID, start, finish

Then you'll be able to make use of mysql's functions on dates and times.

also can't table_time just be merged into table_period?


I will try and merge that. What will be the benefit of storing the time in a time format? Considering the application did not rely on actual time. Thanks for your help

How does this work?

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1px">
function getTimetable($teacherID,$con = false){
	if(is_int($teacherID) || ctype_digit($teacherID)){
		$Q = 	"SELECT `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`, `tbl_rel`.`periodID`, `tbl_time`.`time` FROM `table_weekday` `tbl_wd`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_relate` `tbl_rel`"
				." ON `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` = `tbl_rel`.`week_dayID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_time` `tbl_time`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`timeID` = `tbl_time`.`timeID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_period` `tbl_p`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`periodID` = `tbl_p`.`periodID`"
				." WHERE `tbl_rel`.`teacherID` = '{$teacherID}'"
				//." AND `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` IN(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)"
				." GROUP BY `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`,`tbl_rel`.`periodID`";
			$R = mysql_query($Q);
			$R = mysql_query($Q,$con);
		$periodData = array();
		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R)){
			$periodData[$row['week_dayID']][] = $row;
		$periodData = false;
	return $periodData;
$periodData = getTimetable($teacherID);
foreach($periodData as $k=>$v){
	echo "<tr>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$k}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['period']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['time']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "</tr>\r\n";

I think it would be better to store the time in time format eg.

timeID, start, finish

Then you'll be able to make use of mysql's functions on dates and times.

also can't table_time just be merged into table_period?


Pls can you re-write this withouth using function and use a more descriptive variable name. Ths will enable me read the code better. I came to php from html/css background so i don't know much about coding. thanks

How does this work?

<table width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1px">
function getTimetable($teacherID,$con = false){
	if(is_int($teacherID) || ctype_digit($teacherID)){
		$Q = 	"SELECT `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`, `tbl_rel`.`periodID`, `tbl_time`.`time` FROM `table_weekday` `tbl_wd`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_relate` `tbl_rel`"
				." ON `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` = `tbl_rel`.`week_dayID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_time` `tbl_time`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`timeID` = `tbl_time`.`timeID`"
				." LEFT JOIN `table_period` `tbl_p`"
				." ON `tbl_rel`.`periodID` = `tbl_p`.`periodID`"
				." WHERE `tbl_rel`.`teacherID` = '{$teacherID}'"
				//." AND `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID` IN(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)"
				." GROUP BY `tbl_wd`.`week_dayID`,`tbl_rel`.`periodID`";
			$R = mysql_query($Q);
			$R = mysql_query($Q,$con);
		$periodData = array();
		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R)){
			$periodData[$row['week_dayID']][] = $row;
		$periodData = false;
	return $periodData;
$periodData = getTimetable($teacherID);
foreach($periodData as $k=>$v){
	echo "<tr>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$k}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['period']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "<td>{$v['time']}</td>\r\n";
	echo "</tr>\r\n";

I think it would be better to store the time in time format eg.

timeID, start, finish

Then you'll be able to make use of mysql's functions on dates and times.

also can't table_time just be merged into table_period?


The table_relate is the table that stores the id of the other tables.

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