I have this function, which sends an email to the user and confirms an order.

I cant figure out why I cant get to display the image IN the email, at the very top.

I have tried with:

"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"mail-top-img.gif\""


"Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"mail-top-img.gif\""

Both sends the mail as an attachment to the message.

This is the function where something needs to be changed for the image to appear in the message body:

 function mail_img_kvittering($to, $from, $subject, $body)
 $boundary = md5(rand());

 $headers = array(
     "MIME-Version: 1.0",
     "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$boundary}\"",
     "From: {$from}"

 $message = array(

     "Content-Type: image/gif; name=\"mail-top-img.gif\"",
     "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64",
     "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"mail-top-img.gif\"",


     "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8",
     "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit",


 mail($to, $subject, implode("\r\n", $message), implode("\r\n", $headers));

How do I post code in this editor...??????

Indent with 4 spaces, or start and end with ~~~ (needs an empty line before it.

I have this function, which sends an email to the user and confirms an order.

I cant figure out why I cant get to display the image IN the email, at the very top.

I have tried with:

"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"mail-top-img.gif\""


"Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"mail-top-img.gif\""

Both sends the mail as an attachment to the message.

This is the function where something needs to be changed for the image to appear in the message body:

function mail_img_kvittering($to, $from, $subject, $body)
$boundary = md5(rand());

$headers = array(
"MIME-Version: 1.0",
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$boundary}\"",
"From: {$from}"

$message = array(
"Content-Type: image/gif; name=\"mail-top-img.gif\"",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64",
"Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"mail-top-img.gif\"",


"Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit",


mail($to, $subject, implode("\r\n", $message), implode("\r\n", $headers));

The $body must contain a "webpage" displaying the image, complete with <html> and <body> tags.
for the image use a remote link: www.yourserver.com/css/mail-top-img.gif

Thank you for the answer/solution pzuurveen!

It worked fine, after inserting tags and actually calling the image..

Thank you!

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